This book is about helping the most important people living on this planet: our children. As adults, we can make a huge positive impact on their future, not only in the ‘time-tested’ traditional way of being good disciplinarians but also by helping our youth prepare for adulthood by acquiring self-discipline.
Kids today feel the same types of frustrations and stress as adults, only for different reasons. There is just too much going on in their lives with schoolwork, family, friends, and all sorts of activities. How can they effectively manage these activities and prepare for their future? Do you honestly think that just arming kids with a college degree will guarantee them a rewarding life? Not a chance! Scholastic aptitude is less than half the battle for excelling in life. Most kids will still not be prepared to take on the challenges of adulthood when they turn 18 because our society doesn’t provide enough guidance and mentoring for them. To state it bluntly, kids are being poorly prepared to handle the challenges of adulthood.
All of us are continuously challenged to do more with less in our careers and personal lives. Our children are faced with the same challenge, and we need to help them acquire discipline so they can successfully meet that challenge. Adults must step up to the plate and become Discipline Mentors to give our children the ultimate gift --- the gift of discipline.
How many adults do you know who have failed to fulfill their dreams, or have expectations based on hype? Self-help books and seminars on success are only part of the equation required to teach discipline to achieve our dreams and exceed our expectations. Plain old discipline is a simple concept that is hard to live daily, but absolutely essential to success. Many people all over the world know what it takes to become disciplined and understand and agree to the principles behind it. Yet even these people can sometimes barely muster up enough motivation to survive life’s daily challenges. Most of us need a helping hand to get over the hump and if we adults are struggling, consider the plight of our youth!
This book is designed to help adults teach kids to acquire discipline so that they can meet life’s basic challenges and further, achieve their dreams. My goal is to teach as many adults as humanly possible to become Discipline Mentors to teach the key ingredient for success. If our youth want to be in control of their destiny and accomplish more than most people can only dream of, then they need to embrace discipline.
The first part of the book highlights the four levels of discipline, how we define Discipline Mentoring, a step-by-step Discipline Mentoring Program, and the role and characteristics of a Discipline Mentor. The second half of the book addresses activities to build discipline skills in younger children and children with disabilities.
Although some kids may not adopt the power of discipline, we have a responsibility to Discipline Mentor the ones that really want to excel in life.