About the Book
ForeWord Indies Finalist, Juvenile Nonfiction "This empowering book will kids help kids build confidence in their abilities and increase their willingness to try new things and challenge themselves. Highly recommended."--A Mighty Girl Pick of the Day Explorers investigate places they have never been before. These explorers might take a while to make their discoveries. They might have trouble understanding their maps. They might make wrong turns. They might need to start their expedition all over again!
If explorers could not accept their mistakes and keep going, they might never make any discoveries! Does this sound like you? If you have trouble accepting mistakes, if you try to be right all the time, or if you worry about being less than the best, this book is for you!
It's natural to be afraid of making mistakes. You may be afraid of saying the wrong thing during a meeting or getting lost when traveling in a new city, for example. Kids can think this way, too. In fact, some kids are so afraid of making mistakes that they may hold back from challenges and blame others for their errors. A kid may forgo an activity for fear of not excelling. Or, a student may fail to complete assignments on time due to erasing too much, rewriting, or overdoing the task in some way. Kids who worry about being wrong or making mistakes may try to control situations to ensure their success, blame others for their failings, see themselves in a negative light, or be critical in general. They may have trouble making decisions for fear of making the wrong one. It's exhausting trying to avoid mistakes--for you and for your child.
What to Do When Mistakes Make You Quake guides children and their parents through the emotions underlying a fear of making mistakes using strategies and techniques based on cognitive-behavioral principles. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to cope with mistakes -- so they can explore new territory without fear! Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:
- Emphasize effort more than outcome.
- Let your child make mistakes--don't do your child's work for him.
- Model self-acceptance and lose gracefully.
- Comment on why you're okay when you make a mistake.
- Demonstrate a sense of humor.
- Balance work with play.
- Let your child's achievement be his own--don't measure yourself by your child's accomplishments (or mistakes).
This book is part of the Magination Press What-to-Do Guides for Kids(R) series and includes an "Introduction to Parents and Caregivers." What-to-Guides for Kids(R) are interactive self-help books designed to guide 6-12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of various psychological concerns. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books educate, motivate, and empower children to work towards change.
Check out all of the books in the bestselling What to Do Series: When You Feel Too Shy: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Social Anxiety
When Mistakes Make You Quake: A Kid's Guide to Accepting Imperfection
When It's Not Fair: A Kid's Guide to Handling Envy and Jealousy
When Fear Interferes: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Phobias
When the News Scares You: A Kid's Guide to Understanding Current Events
When You Don't Want To Be Apart: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Separation Anxiety
When Bad Habits Take Hold: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Nail Biting And More
When You Dread Your Bed: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Problems With Sleep
When Your Temper Flares: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Problems With Anger
When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming OCD
When You Grumble Too Much: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Negativity
When You Worry Too Much: A Kid's Guide To Overcoming Anxiety
Noticias te Asustan: Guía para Niños para Entender las Noticias Actuales / What to Do When the News Scares You (Spanish Edition)
Te Preocupas Demasiado: Guía Para Niños Para Superar La Ansiedad /What to Do When You Worry Too Much (Spanish Edition)
About the Author: Claire A. B. Freeland, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in private practice, working for more than thirty-five years with youth and their families. Interested in bringing the general principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to families everywhere, she is the co-author of
What to Do When It's Not Fair,
What to Do When Mistakes Make You Quake, and
What to Do When You Feel Too Shy. She lives with her husband in Baltimore. They have two grown children. Visit Dr. Freeland at www.clairefreelandphd.com
Jacqueline B. Toner, PhD, is the co-author of several self-help books. She has been in private practice working with children, teens, and families for over thirty years. Dr. Toner earned her PhD from the University of Virginia and completed two post-doctoral programs (in pediatric psychology and adolescent medicine) at the University of Maryland Medical School. Dr. Toner also serves as lead facilitator and consultant on a project on medical ethics led by Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She is the mother of three grown children and lives with her husband in Baltimore.
Janet McDonnell's illustrations combine traditional media and digital techniques. In addition to illustrating books, magazines, and puzzles, Janet has both taught and written for children from preschool to high school ages. She is the illustrator of numerous books for children including
Bye Bye Pesky Fly,
What to Do When You Don't Want to Be Apart, and
Blossom Plays Possum. Visit www.janetmcdonnell.com and follow Facebook: @janetmcdonnell.illustrator Twitter: @dcdonnelldoodle Instagram: @janetmcdonnellillo.