About the Book
(RO) Cand privesti in jurul tau, cu ochii imaginatiei, poti vedea ca prietenii tai sunt fie dragoni, fie printese. Apoi, cu uimire, ai sa afli ca, lumea dragonilor este la fel de complexa, ca lumea oamenilor: cu dragoni care nu se cunosc pe ei insisi sau nu stiu sa zboare, cu printese care sunt numite pe nedrept Dragoni, cu oameni buni si oameni mai putin buni, cu dragoni buni si dragoni mai putin buni, cu locuri periculoase ca Padurea Duhurilor Reci sau Pestera din Tinutul de Gheata din Nord si cu locuri frumoase ca Muntele Gorth sau Castelul Bantuit. Daca vrei sa pleci intr-o aventura, in care cei buni inving, indiferent daca sunt Printese sau Dragoni, citeste "Dragoni si Printese." Iar daca citind, te vei regasi, cumva, printre personaje, inseamna ca si tu esti...un dragon sau o printesa adevarata...care isi traieste propria aventura. Sportul de luni, care nu iti prea place e lupta cu lancea, din ziua Turnirului, medicamentul pe care il iei cand esti racit, e Apa de Foc, cu puteri magice, pantofii care te strang sigur au fost vrajiti de o vrajitoare, prietenul care a tipat la tine cand s-a suparat e un dragon iar fata frumoasa, cu ochi albastri, care te ajuta la teme, e Printesa de Azur. Uita-te bine in jurul tau! Lumea de poveste pe care ti-o descriu aici, in aceasta carte, e chiar langa tine. (ENG) When you are looking around with the imagination eyes you can see that your friends are either dragons or princesses. Then, amazingly you'll find out that the Dragon's world is as complex as the human's world: with dragons that try to discover themselves or don't know to fly, with princesses that are unfairly named "dragons," with good people and not so good people, with good dragons and not so good dragons, with dangerous places as the haunted Forest of Cold Ghost or the Cave in North Land of Ice or nice places as Mount Gorth or Haunted Castle. If you want to go on an adventure, where the good ones triumph, whether they are princesses or dragons, read "Dragons and Princesses." And if reading, you will find yourself, somehow, through the characters in my book, means that you are ... a dragon or a real princess ... who live his/her own adventure. Monday's sport, which you don't really like is the fighting spear from day of tournament, the drug that you take when you're cold, is the Water of Fire with magical power and, certainly the uncomfortable shoes you have, they have been bewitched by a witch, a friend who yelled at you when he's angry is definitely a dragon and the beautiful girl with blue eyes, which helps you with the homework, it's Princess d'Azur. Take a good look around you! World story that I describe here in this book, is right next to you.
About the Author: (RO) Sa cresti e inevitabil, sa te maturizezi e o alegere personala! Regret, dar ca nu stiu ale cui vorbe sunt...stiu doar ca ele ma descriu 100%. Scriu, pentru ca imi place sa scriu... Povestile vin la mine fara sa le caut. Pur si simplu, apar de undeva din Univers si apoi, nu-mi mai dau pace, pana nu se vad ele scrise sau inregistrate. La inceput, am zis ca nu are rost sa public: oricum scriam doar pentru propria mea placere... Apoi a aparut Vlad, baiatul meu iubit, in varsta de 7 ani si vazandu-l cu cata placere imi asculta si imi solicita mereu alte povesti, am stiut ca a venit vremea sa le public, daca vreau, ca si alti copii, sa se bucure de ele. Sper ca aceste povesti sa aduca liniste si bucurie atat copiilor cat si adultilor, care le citesc! (ENG) To grow is inevitable to be mature is a personal choice! Regret that I don't remember who's words are those but they characterize me 100%. I am writing because I love writing....The fairies come to me without me searching for them. The fairies appears from somewhere in the Universe and then, they do not live me alone, until they know they are written or registered. At the beginning, I thought that is no need to publish: anyway I was writing only for my own pleasure... Than Vlad was born, my 7 year's old beloved boy, and noticing how enchanted he listen to my fairy and how eager he is asking for new ones, I knew the right time comes to publish the fairy tales if I want other children to enjoy them. I hope that these fairies will bring peace and joy both to the children and to the adults that read them!