1. Introduction1.1 Sea Ice Kinematics: From the Fram's Journey to Thorndike's Legacy
1.2 Sea Ice Dynamics: The Momentum Equation
1.3 Scaling: Some Basic Definitions
2. Sea Ice Drift2.1 Data
2.2 How to Extract a Mean Field
2.3 Diffusion Regimes
2.4 Turbulent-like Fluctuations
2.5 Sea Ice Acceleration and the Dynamical Origin of Intermittency
2.6 Spectral Analysis
2.7 Concluding Remarks
3. Sea Ice Deformation3.1 Data
3.2 Spatial Scaling and Localization of Deformation
3.3 Space and Time Scaling Laws from the Dispersion of Lagrangian Trajectories
3.4 Space/Time Coupling
3.5 Sea Ice Dispersion as the Result of Solid Turbulence
3.6 Spectral Analysis
3.7 Concluding Remarks
4. Sea Ice Fracturing4.1 Data
4.2 Sea Ice Internal Stresses, Strength, and Rheology
4.3 Intermittency of Sea Ice Stresses
4.4 Fracture Networks
4.5 A Statistical Model of Sea Ice Fracturing and Deformation
5. Conclusion and Perspectives: Sea Ice Drift, Deformation and Fracturing in a Changing Arctic
About the Author: Jérôme Weiss completed his PhD in Material Science at the Ecole des Mines of Paris in 1992. He is CNRS senior scientist in the Laboratory of Glaciology and Geophysics of the Environment in Grenoble, where he led the Ice Mechanics group until 2009. His research interests cover the mechanics of geophysical objects, from the scale of lattice defects (dislocations, microcracks) to large geophysical scales. He is therefore particularly interested in scaling properties of mechanical-related variables. During the last decade, he particularly focused on the Arctic sea ice cover, its mechanical behavior, drift, and deformation, as well as its role on climate change. He has published about 85 scientific papers, including 7 solicited reviews and 6 general public articles.