Drip irrigation, also known as trickling irrigation, is a sort of
micro-irrigation system that has the ability to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to slowly drip to the roots of plants from
either above the soil surface or buried below the surface. This can
be done either from the top of the soil or from below the surface.
The root zone should get water immediately, and as little of it as
possible should be lost to evaporation. A network of valves, pipes,
tubing, and emitters are used in drip irrigation systems to distribute
water in a slow and even manner. A drip irrigation system has the
potential to be more eScient than other types of irrigation systems,
such as surface irrigation or sprinkler irrigation, depending on how
eCectively it was planned, installed, maintained, and managed. xurface
irrigation is another sort of irrigation system.Ancient Fhinese
history and culture Drip irrigation in its most basic form has been in
use since prehistoric times.