The book elucidates the revolutionary and riveting research in the ultramodern domain of drone technologies, drone-enabled IoT applications, and artificial intelligence-based smart surveillance. The book explains the most recent developments in the field, challenges, and future scope of drone technologies. Beyond that, it discusses the importance of a wide range of design applications, drone/UAV development, and drone-enabled smart healthcare systems for smart cities. It describes pioneering work on mitigating cyber security threats by employing intelligent machine learning models in the designing of IoT-aided drones. The book also has a fascinating chapter on application intrusion detection by drones using recurrent neural networks. Other chapters address interdisciplinary fields like artificial intelligence, deep learning, the role of drones in healthcare in smart cities, and the importance of drone technology in agriculture.
About the Author: Sachi Nandan Mohanty received his PhD from IIT Kharagpur, India in 2015, with MHRD scholarship from the Govt of India. He is now and associate professor, VIT-AP University, Andhra Pradesh. He has edited 24 books in association with several publishers including many with the Wiley-Scrivener imprint. His research areas include data mining, big data analysis, cognitive science, fuzzy decision making, brain-computer interface, cognition, and computational intelligence.
JVR Ravindra is the Professor of ECE and currently heads Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad as the Principal. He holds a PhD in VLSI Design from IIIT, Hyderabad. He is currently working on Quantum Computing, Blockchain Technologies, Wireless Sensor Network, Machine Learning for VLSI, Low Power DSP Architectures. Dr Ravindra holds 120 publications in reputed journals and conferences.
G. Suryanarayana, PhD, is an associate professorin the Department of CSE, Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, India. He has more than 15 years of Teaching and 11 years of Research experience. He has 37 research publications in reputed journals, 3 books and filed 6 Indian & international patents and 2 copyrights. His research interests are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big data Analytics.
Chinmaya Ranjan Pattanaik, PhD, is a professor in Computer Science and Engineering at Ajay Binay Institute of Technology CDA, Cuttack, India. He has published 18 research papers in journals and conferences as well as filed 6 national and international patents. His field of interest are Machine learning, Digital image processing.
Mohamed Sirajudeen, PhD, is an assistant professor in the School of ComputerScience and Engineering, VIT University, Andra Pradesh, India. His area of research is Cloud computing, Big data, Blockchain, and the Internet of Things. He has published more than 25 research papers indexed in SCI, Web of Science, and Scopus.