PART 1. Concept of wave nature of dissipative processes of fractal
structuring and of the Earth forming.........................................
Chapter 1. Universality of manifestation of substance wave properties in
processes of fractal structuring and forming of unstable in terms
of density natural formations.....................................................
Chapter 2. Physical and mathematical description of manifestation of substance
wave properties in thermodynamical and dynamical processes
of spontaneous structuring of unstable in terms of density mass
Description of substance wave properties in the context
of classical physics in terms of trajectories in phase space
Statistic description of manifestation of substance wave
properties in terms of assemblies.......................................
Description of substance wave properties by modes by means
of import of wave functions into phase space....................
Chapter 3. Fractal hierarchies of dissipative structures - cellular standing
internal gravitational Earth's waves and methods of their
Seismic tomography methods............................................
Morphometric methods......................................................
Calculation of fractal dimension of the newest dissipative
Earth structures...................................................................
PART 2. Fractal hierarchies of the Earth's dissipative structures -
a new paradigm of theoretical and practical geology................
Chapter 4. Fractal hierarchies and paleogeodynamical reconstructions
Late Archaean - Early Proterozoic..................................
Early Proterozoic................................................................
Early Riphean.....................................................................
Middle Riphean..................................................................
Late Riphean.......................................................................
Vendian - Middle Cambrian............................................
Late Cambrian - Early Devonian.....................................
Early Devonian - Middle Jurassic...................................