Environmental professionals are often called upon to find solutions to environmental degradation problems or to lead the way in planning to prevent them. Because they come mainly from the environmental and science disciplines, most environmental professionals have limited training in the fundamentals of economics. This book is designed to provide those professionals not only with the basic principles of economics for foundational purposes but also the economic pros and cons to consider when making critical decisions on environmental issues.
Economics for Environmental Professionals provides a fully explanatory, quantitative, and practical introduction to a wide range of topics that make up the science of environmental economics. Moreover, it showcases the power of economic principles to explain and predict issues and current events impacting the environment. It discusses the economics relevant to the environmental mediums of air, water, and land and provides pertinent information on air toxics, hazardous wastes, and other related topics. It provides environmental professionals with the education not only to understand the nuts and bolts of economic analysis but also to conduct economic analyses.
Throughout the book, the author joins economics and environmental practice with common-sense approaches and practical real-world examples. Designed to stimulate thought, the book explores strategies for maintaining a safe environment without excessive regulation and cost. With the information in this book, environmental professionals will have an understanding of the framework in which environmental problems exist, what they cost, how to pay for them, and what the payback is (if any).
About the Author: Frank R. Spellman, PhD, is a retired assistant professor of environmental health at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, and the author of more than 90 books covering topics ranging from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to all areas of environmental science and occupational health. Dr. Spellman lectures on sewage treatment, water treatment, and homeland security, as well as on safety topics, throughout the country and teaches water/wastewater operator short courses at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. He earned a BA in public administration, a BS in business management, an MBA, and both an MS and a PhD in environmental engineering.