Education in India by Ed. Shubha Tiwari - Bookswagon
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Education in India

Education in India


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About the Book

The sheer population of India force mammoth phenomena. Education in India is one such area that has naturally grown in this soil; being shaped by multiple deliberate and also unintended choices. The point is that if some philosophy, certain guiding principles mould and shape this phenomenon, it may prove more useful to us, ‘the people of India’. Assessment of future needs of the nation, resultant policy-making and keen implementation of policies may prove helpful to our future generations. These Volumes are being brought out with a purpose to provide the fundamental philosophy that ought to govern education in India. Practical suggestions are also being provided for formation of policies. The implementation part, of course, depends on the government and its various agencies.

Table of Contents:
Volume I—1. Higher Education in India: Issues, Concerns and New Directions–Arun Nigavekar; 2. Excellence in Education and the University–A.D.N. Bajpai; 3. My Concept of a University–L.B. Tripathi; 4. Globalisation of Higher Education: Some Implications–Sucha Singh Gill; 5. Education in India and the Need for the Art of Self-Management–Shubha Tiwari; 6. Role of Indian Library Associations in Professional Education–Umesh Kumar Agarwal; 7. Visible State of Library Education in Rajasthan–Umesh Kumar Agarwal; 8. The Causes of Failure at First Rung of School Education in Punjab–Meenakshi; 9. Professional Accountability of Teacher Educators–Rajni Joshi; 10. Secondary Teacher Education Programme in Global Perspective–Rama A. Bhosale; 11. Defining Creativity and How to Educate the Creative–Mohd. Abid Siddiqui; 12. The Profession of Teaching: Prospects and Retrospect–K. Abdul Gafoor; 13. Higher Education in India–Kuldip Kaur; 14. Women’s Higher Education–Kuldip Kaur; 15. Research in Universities and Research Organisations–Kuldip Kaur; 16. Higher Education in India–Philip G. Altbach—Volume 2— 1. The Parting Remarks of the UGC Chairman–ARUN NIGAVEKAR; 2. Challenges of Higher Education in Science and Technology–K. GOPALAN; 3. Research and Teaching: Complementary to Each Other–MAJOR SINGH AND HARBANS SINGH RATAUL; 4. Institutional Accreditation: Its Relevance in India–C.P.S. CHAUHAN; 5. Accreditation to Autonomy—Journey Towards Quality and Relevance in Higher Education–M.R. KURUP; 6. Accreditation by NAAC and Destiny of the Colleges in Rural Areas–PRAVEEN CHOUGALE; 7. Globalization of Indian Education–DINESH K. PALIWAL; 8. Education of Exceptional Children–MOHD. ABID SIDDIQUI; 9. The Ways of Creating a Live Atmosphere in the Primary Classrooms–K. ANBUMUTHU; 10. Educational and Career Counseling in Universities: A Perspective in a Globalized World–KAMALAXI G. TADASAD; 11. A Comparative Study of Different Views About Reading Comprehension–PRAFULLA VORA; 12. Effective Teaching of Concepts: Theory and Application–PRAFULLA VORA; 13. The Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence in Higher Education–B. MAHADEVAPPA; 14. Education in Indian Constitution–R.V. DHANAPALAN & D. SARAVANAN; 15. Teacher-Student Excellence: For Quality Enhancement in Higher Education–J.G. VALAN ARASU; 16. Quality Measures in Teacher Education–P.K. SRIVASTAVA; 17. Comments on Supreme Court Judgment–SHUBHA TIWARI; 18. Supreme Court Judgment on Unaided Private Colleges; Annexures; Contributors—Volume 3—1. Frustration among Teachers: A World Perspective – SAIMA SIDDIQUI; 2. Strengthening Commerce Curriculum in the Changed Scenario: A Holistic Perspective – M.R. SHOLLAPUR; 3. Goal Setting and Career Planning for the Youth: Life Skill Building in the University System – RAJESH 4. The ‘Grade’ Dilemma – B.S. MADHUKAR & LATHA PILLAI; 5. Some Economic Issues in Financing Higher Education – SAYED AFZAL PEERZADE; 6. Diversifying Revenue Resources of Universities: The Osmania University Experience – D.C. REDDY; 7. Traditional versus Open Distance and Technology Mediated Learning in the Kerala Agricultural University: Experiences and Expectations – C. BHASKARAN & K.V. PETER; 8. Symbiotic Relationship of Ancient Indian Universities with the Contemporary Indian Society – CHANDNI SAXENA; 9. Universities: Family Style – PHILIP G. ALTBACH; 10. Transnational Education: Issues and Implications – PRATIBHA KHANNA; 11. Impact of Globalisation and WTO on Higher Education in India – J.G. VALAN ARASU; 12. A Historical Overview of Teacher Education in India from Rig Vedic Age till 1947 – CHANDNI SAXENA; 13. Teacher Training in Higher Education: The Indian Scene – C.P.S. CHAUHAN; 14. Landmarks in the Development of Teacher Education in India – AJAY KUMAR MOHANTY & AMARENDRA PANI; 15. Some Innovations for Professional Development of Teachers – BHADRAYU VACHHRAJANI; 16. Quality Concerns in Teacher Education – L.C. SINGH & SUDARSHAN MISHRA; 17. Quality Issues in Teacher Education – S.M. SUNGOH; 18. Quality Concern Indicators of Teacher Education – S.K. UPADHYAYA & VIKRANT UPADHYAYA; 19. Quality Teacher Education in the Knowledge Era – REMY DIAS & JENNEFER TRICIA ALMEIDA; 20. Manpower Planning for Elementary Teacher Education: A Prerequisite for Quality Elementary Education – MOHD. MIYAN & ANITA RASTOGI; 21. Privatisation and/or Commercialisation of Teacher Education: Some Consequences – NANU LUNAVATH; 22. Autonomous Teacher Education Institutions: Need of the Hour – SUNIL DUTT; 23. In-Service Teacher Education: Future Challenges – S.K. YADAV; 24. In-Service Teacher Education: A Road to Professional Competence – M. DOSS; 25. E-education and EDUSAT: The Journey has Just Begun – KALPANA MATHUR; 26. Teacher Education: Challenges and the Emerging Trends – R.P. SINGH; Contributors—Volume 4—1. The Emerging Role of Teacher Educators in the Knowledge Era – N.S. MAVI; 2. Encountering Emerging Challenges in Teacher Education – Z. ZAYAPRAGASSARAZAN; 3. Teacher-Student Relationship at the University Level – M. SEN GUPTA; 4. Trade in Indian Higher Education Service Sector: Implications of WTO’s GATS – SHRIPAD S. BOLASHETTY; 5. Autonomy for Teachers: A Better Option? – VINCENT MATHEW; 6. Education in Indian Constitution – R.V. DHANAPALAN & D. SARAVANAN; 7. Environmental Education: A Remedy for Environmental Crisis – SUNIL KUMAR SINGH; 8. Threats and Opportunities in the Higher Education in the Context of GATS – B.B. BHATTACHARYA & C.T. BHUNIA; 9. What ails the Higher Education in Punjab: Some Observations and Suggestions – T.D. NARANG & ASHA NARANG; 10. Education as a Fundamental Right: Need for Community Participation in Primary Education – RAJENDER SINGH YADAV & SUSHANTA KUMAR PANDA; 11. Holistic Approach to Education – KARAN SINGH 12. Aspects of Qualitative Changes in Indian Education: A General Approach – SUBIMAL KUMAR CHATTERJEE; 13. Quality Interaction and Independence: Review of the Course Development Practices of IGNOU – MANJULIKA SRIVASTAVA & V. VENUGOPAL REDDY; 14. Role of Counselling and Guidance in Technical Education – JAYANTHI RANJAN; 15. Higher Education in India and the Need of Quality Assurance Mechanisms for Developing a Knowledge Society – M.C. PAUL; 16. Marketing Approach to Higher Education System – S.S. HUGAR, S.G. HUNDEKAR & M.R. SHOLLAPUR; 17. Management of Universities in India: Major Challenges and Required Responses – SURENDRA SINGH; 18. University Extension and Globalization – J.P. DUBEY; 19. Academic Assessment Ignoring Administrative Audit is Farce Accreditation – M. RAJENDRAN; 20. The Private Higher Education Revolution: An Introduction – PHILIP G. ALTBACH; 21. University Administrator: A Profile of the Educational Manager – S. NARKHEDE; 22. Management Education: Redefining the Role of Library and Information Centres – N. BELLARY; 23. Gender Disparity in Higher Education in Independent India – HARSH GANDHAR; 24. Semester System in Universities – V.H. MULIMANI; 25. Moderation of Evaluation in Higher Education – BALDEV SINGH; 26. Strategy Planning: A Significant Gap in the Management of Indian Higher Education – MARIAMMA A. VARGHESE; Contributors—Volume 5—Preface; Introduction; 1. Education System for Developing the Capacities of the Learners–A.P.J. Abdul Kalam; 2. Vigilance Squads and University Examination System–G.Y. Shitole; 3. Internationalization of Higher Education: A Model Policy and Strategy for India–H.D. Sharma and L.K. Maheshwari; 4. Dynamics of NAAC Process–B.R. Manjunath; 5. Resilience of Ethics and Values in Higher Education: Prerequisite for Providing Value Orientation–P. Sivaswaroop; 6. Best Practices in Higher Education for Quality Management–V.S. Prasad; 7. Distortion of Education Management vis-à-vis Privatisation of Higher Education in India: Diagnosis and Remedies–D.A. Ghanchi; 8. A Missing Dimension in Higher Education in India–G. Palanithurai; 9. Knowledge Management and Higher Education–D.K. Singh and B.K. Singh; 10. Democratic Way of Life and Indian University System–Naresh Prasad Bhokta; 11. Students’ Perception of Quality in Higher Education: A Case Study–S.T. Bagalkoti, V. Bhramarambika Devi and Naveen Hegde; 12. Access of Women to Higher Education–Mridula Bhadauria; 13. Revisiting the Quality Assurance Model of the NAAC: Understanding it in the Right Perspective–A. Gnanam and Antony Stella; 14. Efficiency and Transparency in Public Examinations–Baldev Singh; 15. Community College System: Empowerment Endorsed–Xavier Alphonse S.J.; 16. Global Scenario and Newer Challenges–S.K. Khanna; 17. Meeting the Challenges of Globalization–C. Rangarajan; 18. Student Participation as Key Element of Quality Assurance in Higher Education–V.S. Prasad and Jagannath Patil; 19. Qualitative Research: Concept, Characteristics, Purpose, and Advantages–Rajender Singh Yadav and Sushanta Kumar Panda; 20. Radical Changes Required in Medical Education–A. Rajasekaran; 21. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Role of College Management–M.R. Kurup; 22. Mobile Learners in Open and Distance Learning System: Challenge of Growing Numbers–S. Ganesan; 23. Global Challenges and National Response–Susai Mary and R. Seetharam; 24. Effective University Teaching–S.M. Sungoh; Contributors—Volume 6—Preface; Introduction; 1. Beyond the Prescribed Curriculum–M.S. Dhaka; 2. Can This be Called a Planned Development of Teacher Education?–R. Sethuraman; 3. Strengthening Indian Universities in the Changing Scenario–T.S. Rasool Saheb and D. Masthan; 4. Reinventing Indian Universities: An Approach–Chandra B.P. Singh; 5. Union Budget 2007-08: How Much Focus on Education?–M.R. Gosai; 6. Perspectives and Prospects of Higher Education in India: An Overview–M. Jancy Rani and P. Brindha; 7. A Solution for 21st Century Higher Education: Re-engineering?–A.P. Sudheer and G. Varaprasad; 8. Burnout in Teachers: Causes and Treatment–Patrick Manu; 9. Research Methodology: Slips, Gaps and Some Philosophical Issues–P.N. Mishra and Ms. Pooja Jain; 10. Activity-Oriented and Learner-Centred Curriculum–S. Gregory; 11. Emergence of Teaching as a Modern Profession–Amrita Maheshwari; 12. Emotional Intelligence–(Mrs.) C.G. D’Lima and Veronica Bridget Menezes; 13. Issues and Concerns in Higher Education in India–K.C. Reddy; 14. Lets F-L-O-S-S Education–Pranita Gopal; 15. Traditional Muslim System of Education in India and its Modernization–M. Parvez; 16. Critical Thinking and Collaborative Learning Create Healthy Environment in Your Classroom–Pranita Gopal; 17. The Promise of the Amalgamation of Learning Theories, Epistemological Options and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to Teachers–Pranita Gopal; 18. Regulating Indian Higher Education: Beyond NKC–M. Anandakrishnan; 19. Report of the National Knowledge Commission on Higher Education: A Review–V.C. Kulandai Swamy; 20. Channelizing the Knowledge Revolution: A Roadmap–Amit Varma; 21. NKC on Higher Education: What does it Mean to an Implementer?–K. Sudha Rao; 22. Strengthening Knowledge Infrastructure in Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning–P.B. Sharma; 23. Higher Technical Education in the Mining, Mineral, Petroleum and Energy Sectors of India–T. Kumar; 24. National Knowledge Commission Report: A Review–K. Subramanyam; 25. A Critique on the National Knowledge Commission Recommendations–Prateep V. Philip; 26. Knowledge Commission on Higher Education: A Critique–C.P.S. Chauhan; 27. English in a Knowledge Society–Amritavalli; 28. A Critique of the National Knowledge Commission’s Assessment of English Language Teaching and Curricular Reform in its First Annual Report–Francis Soundararaj; 29. National Testing Service: A Recommendation of National Knowledge Commission–Pon Subbhaiah; 30. Integrating Mobile Phone Technology in Teaching-Learning Process at Higher Education Level–K. Mohanasundaram and P. Gershom Jebaraj; 31. Preparing a Lecture: A Perspective–G. Prageetha Raju; 32. Nurturing and Retaining Indian Talent for Making India a Knowledge Superpower–R.A. Mashelkar; 33. Higher Education: Contextualization to the Changing Job Market Scenario–G.R.K. Murty; 34. Indian Universities are on the Verge of Extinction: Strategies for Survival and Growth–Raju M. Mathew and Ranjit Munjand Mathew; 35. New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation of NAAC: Guidelines for Implementation–Katre Shakuntala and Mariamma A. Varghese; 36. Value Development: Suggestive Strategies–Lissy Koshi; Contributors

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788126905294
  • Publisher: Atlantic
  • Publisher Imprint: Atlantic
  • Language: English
  • Volume: 6
  • ISBN-10: 8126905298
  • Publisher Date: 2010
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • No of Pages: 1776

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