Chapter One
Principles of Electrodynamics of Media with Spatial Dispersion
1.1. Equations of Electromagnetic Fields
1.2. Tensor of Complex Dielectric Permittivity
1.3. Dispersion of Dielectric Permittivity
1.4. Energy of the Electromagnetic Fields in a Medium
1.5. Electromagnetic Waves in a Medium
1.6. Plane Monochromatic Waves in a Medium
1.7. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Weakly Spatial Dispersive Medium 1.8. Energy Loss of Fast Moving Electrons in the Medium
1.9. Electromagnetic Field Fluctuations
1.9.1. Correlation functions and general analysis
1.9.2. Electromagnetic field fluctuations in homogenous isotropic non-grotropic media 1.9.3. Casualty principle and generalization of Kramers-Kronig relations.
1.10. Electromagnetic Properties of Inhomogeneous Plasmas
1.10.1. Inhomogeneous media without spatial dispersion. Approximation of geometrical optics. Field equation for an inhomogeneous medium without spatial dispersion The method of geometrical optics and the WKB method The Bohr-Sommerfeld quasi classical quantization rules
1.10.2. Approximation of geometrical optics for inhomogeneous media with spatial dispersion Eikonal equation for inhomogeneous medium with spatial dispersion Quantization rules
1.11. Problems
Chapter Two
Isotropic Plasma
2.1. Kinetic Equation with Self‐consistent Fields
2.2. Dielectric Permittivity of Collisionless Isotropic Plasma
2.3. Dielectric Permittivity and Electromagnetic Oscillations of Isotropic Collisionless Nonrelativistic Electron Plasma
2.4. Dielectric Permittivity and Electromagnetic Oscillations of Relativistic Collisionless Electron Plasma
2.5. Oscillations of Isotropic Electron‐Ion Plasma
2.6. Hydrodynamics of Collisionless Plasma
2.7. Dielectric Permittivity of Plasma; Taking account of Particle Collisions
2.8. Boundary Problem of Fields in Plasma
2.9. Reflection and absorption of electromagnetic Waves in Semi‐bounded Plasma
2.10. Linear Electromagnetic Phenomena in Bounded Plasmas
2.10.1. Surface electromagnetic waves in semi-bounded plasmas Solution of the Vlasov equation for the semi-bounded isotropic plasma Solution of field equations Surface impedance Dispersion equation for surface waves Surface waves in cold semi-bounded plasma Cherenkov damping of surface waves Surface ion-acoustic waves
2.10.2. Surface waves on plasma layers Potential surface waves on thin layers of non-dispersive media Surface waves on thin layers of dispersive media
2.11. Problems
Chapter Three
Anisotropic Plasma
3.1. Dielectric permittivity of collisionless plasma in a constant magnetic field
3.2. Electromagnetic Oscillations of Non‐relativistic Plasma in a Constant Magnetic Field
3.3. Relativistic Electron Plasma in the Magnetic Field 3.4. Electron‐Ion Plasma in the External Magnetic Field
3.5. Particle Collisions in Magneto‐Active Plasma
3.6. Magnetohydrodynamics of Collisionless Plasma
3.7. Interaction of Straight Neutralized Beams of Charged Particles with Plasma
3.7.1. Interaction of a Straight Monoenergetic Electron Beam with Cold Plasma: (Cherenkov Instability)
3.7.2. Effect of Thermal Motion on the Cherenkov Instability
3.7.3. Current‐Driven Instabilities in Plasma: Bunemann Instability
3.7.4. Current‐Driven Instabilities in Plasma: Ion‐Acoustic Instability
About the Author: Professor in physics of the Shahid Beheshti University, Babak Shokri was born in 1965 in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. He received his PhD degree from the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy in Moscow under the supervision of A. A. Rukhadze in 1997. He has been working as a faculty member in the physics department and Laser-Plasma Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University since 1998. Furthermore he worked as a visiting professor in Alberta University and Manchester University in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He is the author of more than 200 papers in pre-reviewed journals. Furthermore, he won the Khwarizmi International Award in 2006. He was honored two times as the outstanding researcher of Islamic Republic of Iran in 2004 and 2006. The domain of his interest is rather wide and covers theoretical and experimental physics including electrodynamics of dispersion media, laser-plasma interaction, accelerator's physics, PECVD, Plasma MW electronics, plasma engineering and plasma applications in industry and medicine.
Rukhadze Anri Amvrosievich holds a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, chief research associate of the General Physics Institute of A.M. Prokhorov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Physics Department of the Moscow State University and the Physico-Technical Institute (Technical University), graduated with honors from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) in 1954. He has published more than 600 published scientific papers, 60 reviews and 10 scientific monographs. He is the member of the editorial board "Applied Physics", "Successes of Applied Physics", "Brief Communications on Physics of the Lebedev Physical Institute", "Applied Physics and Mathematics" and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Engineering Physics. He was repeatedly awarded with government awards, including the Order of Honor, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of Prokhorov, and twice the State Prize and the Prize of M.V. Lomonosov. He was honored Worker of Science of Russia. His scientific interests include kinetics and physical electronics, quantum and classical electrodynamics. He passed away in March 2018.