About the Book
This loose-leaf, three-hole punched version of the textbook gives students the flexibility to take only what they need to class and add their own notes--all at an affordable price.
For introductory physical geography courses.
Explore Earth's dynamic, changing systems Among the most highly regarded textbooks in physical geography, Robert Christopherson's best-selling
Elemental Geosystems retains its unparalleled currency, accuracy, rich integration of climate change science, and dynamic multimedia program. Organized around the natural flow of energy, materials, and information, subjects are presented in the same sequence in which they occur in nature--an organic, holistic approach that is unique in this discipline. The
9th Edition features updated content and new Mastering Geography activities, while also incorporating new visual media, active learning activities, and visual tools to help student engagement and mastery.
Also available with Mastering Geography Mastering
(TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach
every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and often improves results for each student. With a variety of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult personal health concepts.
NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering(TM) Geography does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Geography, ask your instructor to confirm the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the loose-leaf version of the text and Mastering Geography, search for:
0134867416 / 9780134867410 Elemental Geosystems, Books a la Carte Plus MasteringGeography with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 9/e About the Author: About our authors
Robert W. Christopherson attended California State University-Chico for his undergraduate work and received his Masters in Geography from Miami University-Oxford, Ohio. Geosystems evolved out of his teaching notes and was his graduate thesis: this is his life's work. He founded the geography program of American River College faculty. His wife Bobbé is his principal photographer and has provided more than 300 exclusive photos for each of his books. Together they have completed nine polar expeditions (most recently in spring 2010). They attended the 2004 Arctic Climate Impact Symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland to acquire photo and video coverage and research. Christopherson is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 1998 and 2005 Text and Academic Authors Association Textbook Award for Geosystems and Elemental Geosystems, 4/e, respectively. He was selected by American River College students as "Teacher of the Year" and received the American River College Patrons Award. Robert received the 1999 Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award from the National Council for Geographic Education and the Outstanding Educator Award from the California Geographical Society in 1997. The Text and Academic Authors Association presented him with its Presidents' Award in 2005. Amongst many other things, Robert has been deeply involved in the development of Pearson's Geoscience Animation Library, and he led the editorial board of Rand McNally's Goode's World Atlas 22e.
Ginger Birkeland received her MA and PhD from Arizona State University, with a focus in fluvial geomorphology. She taught intro courses at Montana State University and Indiana University, spent time as a research associate at Arizona State, and has spent many years as an outdoor education instructor and commercial river guide.
Ginger has worked in the field as a fluvial geomorphologist for industry and funded government projects. Some of her field projects include: a multidisciplinary plan for recovery of two threatened fish species in the Truckee River Recovery Plan (California and Nevada) for the US Fish and Wildlife Service; geomorphic oversight, technical expertise, and technical editing for the Menomonee River Sediment Study (Wisconsin); geomorphic expertise, and co-authoring of several sections on fluvial geomorphology for reports on bank protection and salmon habitat enhancement for the Integrated Streambank Protection Guidelines and Channel Design Guidelines (Washington).