Empowering Women in India
The status of women in India has been undergoing changes year by year. Currently, Indian women actively participate in nearly all spheres of life, including education, sports, politics, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, and more. However, society still harbors prevalent discrimination between men and women.
Government Initiatives
Consequently, various schemes have been formulated to empower women in general, with a special focus on impoverished women. The Government of India has implemented numerous programs at both the national and state levels to enhance the quality of life for women, particularly those in vulnerable economic situations.
Empowerment in Kerala
In Kerala, numerous public sector enterprises and State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs) of national corporations exist to provide self-employment loans to women, aiming to improve their overall quality of life and empower them across all aspects of life. State-level funding corporations serve as vehicles for offering financial assistance to initiate income-generating activities, such as small businesses or micro-enterprises, to ensure sustainable livelihoods for lower socio-economic groups, especially impoverished women.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite excelling in various fields, women in Kerala still face a lack of recognition in economic participation. According to the 68th Round of NSSO, Kerala's Labor Participation Rate (LPR) stands at 40.3%, with women comprising only 24.8% and men 57.8%. This glaring disparity between male and female LPR in the state renders women largely redundant in the labor force.
Hence, self-employment plays a crucial role in augmenting the share of economically active women, particularly in a state like Kerala where women boast high educational levels. This is especially true for women who are hesitant to seek wage employment in low-paying opportunities.
Path to Economic Independence
The percentage of Female Self-Employed Workers (FSEW) in Kerala is 36.7% in rural areas and 36.1% in urban areas, underscoring the ongoing opportunities for women to transition from idleness or joblessness to self-employment. True women empowerment is achieved when women become an integral part of the labor force, working profitably without compromising their household responsibilities. It is imperative that their work is acknowledged and treated equitably. Self-employment stands out as the best alternative for women to attain economic independence while efficiently managing their household duties. The state's commitment to this cause remains steadfast.