Introduction -Leslie Willcocks, Chris Sauer and Mary Lacity.- PART IV. INTERPRETIVE RESEARCH APPROACHES.- Chapter 11: Butler, T. (1998), "Towards a hermeneutical method for interpretative research in information systems," JIT, Vol. 13, pp. 285-300.- Chapter 12: Linden, T., and Cybulski, J. (2009), "Application of hermeneutics to studying an experience mining process," JIT, Vol. 24, pp. 231-250.- Chapter 13: Bygstad, B., and Munkvold, B.E., (2011), "Exploring the role of informants in interpretative case study research in IS," JIT, Vol. 26, pp. 32-45.- Chapter 14: Bunker, D., Kautz, K., and A. Anhtuan, (2008), "An exploration of information systems adoption: tools and skills as cultural artefacts - the case of a management information system," JIT, Vol. 23, pp. 71-78.- Chapter 15: Hsu, Carol; Backhouse, James; Silva, Leiser, (2014), "Institutionalizing operational risk management: an empirical study," JIT, Vol. 29 59-72.- PART V. ACTION RESEARCH APPROACHES.- Chapter 16: Baskerville, R., and Wood-Harper, A.T. (1996), "A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research," JIT, Vol. 11, pp. 235-246.- Chapter 17: Wastell, D., McMaster, T., and Kawalek, P (2007), "The rise of the phoenix: methodological innovation as a discourse of renewal," JIT, Vol. 22, pp. 59-68.- Chapter 18: Hughes, J., and Wood-Harper, T. (1999), "Systems development as a research act", JIT, Vol. 14, pp. 83-94.
About the Author: Leslie P. Willcocks is Professor of Technology, Work, and Globalization at the Department of Management at London School of Economics, UK.
Chris Sauer is a senior tutor at Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, UK and an associate fellow of the Said Business School, UK.
Mary C. Lacity is Curators' Professor of Information Systems and an International Business Fellow at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, US.