Transport systems are facing an impossible dilemma: satisfy an increasing demand for mobility of people and goods, while decreasing their fossil-energy requirements and preserving the environment. Additionally, transport has an opportunity to evolve in a changing world, with new services, technologies but also new requirements (fast delivery, reliability, improved accessibility).
In this book, recent research works are reported around the triptych: transport, energy and environment, which demonstrates that vehicle technologies and fuels can still improve, but it is necessary to prepare their implementation (e.g. electro-mobility), to think of new services, and to involve all actors, particularly enterprises, who will be the drivers of innovation. Mitigation strategies are studied to promote innovative, multimodal and clean transports and services. Research progress is reported on air pollution, vibrations and noise, their mitigation and assessment methodologies.
About the Author: Michel André is deputy director of the research department Planning - Mobility - Environment (AME), which comprises 7 laboratories of IFSTTAR in France. He also conducts research work at the Transports and Environment Laboratory, on transport and air pollution, pollutant emission measurement, real-world driving cycles, vehicle fleets and traffic conditions, pollution modeling and methodologies for assessing air pollution, and mitigation policies and measures.
Zissis Samaras is Full Professor and Director of the Lab of Applied Thermodynamics (LAT), Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. His research work deals primarily with engine and vehicle emissions testing and modeling, and he has carried out a wide range of projects on modeling emissions from internal combustion engines.
Bernard Jacob (Set Coordinator): Chair of the Programme Committee of TRA2014, is deputy scientific director for transport, infrastructures and safety with IFSTTAR. His research works are in bridge and road safety, traffic loads on bridges, heavy vehicles and weigh-in-motion. He is Professor at Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat in France, and President of the International Society for WIM (ISWIM).