Carina bares her soul on many taboo subjects designed to challenge your shadow and help you face those darkest and most suppressed skeletons with surefooted grace through her own crazy and amazing journey. This book helps you traverse the ego, introduces you to the science of spirituality, provides tons of resources, and shows you how to truly surrender your fears and resistance so that you can manifest exactly what is wanted. You can be infinitely magically powerful beyond your wildest dreams. Enlighten The F^ck Up! shows you how.
You can feel the shift happening. The collapsing of time and old paradigms requires us to evolve. If you're anything like Carina, your psychic gifts are unfolding and you're thirsty for understanding. You've heard about the Law of Attraction and are trying to become a more deliberate co-creator. Maybe you can see your manifestations coming forward quickly with synchronistic messages from the Universe and you're nervous to handle so much power. It's a lot of responsibility; it always was. This book/podcast/newsletter/app/lecture/workshop/website is a manifesto full of resources proven to bring you from the depths of despair into full consciousness, if you truly desire to sustain feelings of joy, peace, Nirvana, and beyond. Carina will help you demystify the science of spirituality and the evolution of human enlightenment.
As an All-Faiths Minister, Dr. of Metaphysics & Divination, widow, former fat girl and indigo child, Carina is intimately familiar with 'heaven and hell' and lives to inspire you to step into your greatness alongside her. Having picked up a veritable spiritual supermarket of tools and psychic friends for her own healing, her soul contract in the new age is to share compassion, wisdom, resources, and the parable of her life's super unconventional unfoldment. She hopes you can learn from the mistakes, to experience your realization of enlightenment with ease and grace relaxing into the beauty that is this new frontier of conscious expansion where dreams come true if you allow them. If you desire to achieve enlightenment, you can and you're destined for it.
Digging in our heels, resisting the destiny of our greatness and holding back just doesn't work anymore, and it creates separation. Thus, suffering occurs. The duality of pleasure and pain is ever present so joy is a deliberate choice. Hopefully her story can inspire you to cultivate your guru within. You DO want to feel fabulous, right? Carina's work is not for those content with mediocrity or the complaisant. It is for those seeking to understand the science of spirit. There is a metaphysical realm invisible to the ego's eye where dreams come true. Carina will introduce you to techniques she uses to connect which bring constant miracles. Connect yourself with many of the resources and Masters who have helped her along the path.
Please understand, it's never too late to heal your heart. As you may know, attachment is the root of all suffering. There's a million situations in which the challenge of letting go presents itself. Giving up her old games, beliefs, and lazy life habits has been tough and rewarding. Triumphs include losing half her body weight, overcoming addictions, depressions and prescriptions, resolving childhood trauma, working through past life karma, breaking demonic oppression and ascending ghosts back to heaven. A Middle American raised in Texas who lived the dream in Panama, with an obvious pioneering spirit, Carina sings to you the applied science of spirituality. She shows you how to connect with the Highest Ascended version of yourself so that you too can step into the full power of your infinite awesomeness.