Entrepreneurial Communities and Ecosystems: Theories in Culture, Empowerment, and Leadership examines the deep sociocultural dynamics supporting effective and emergent entrepreneurial ecosystems and communities for a new generation of ecosystem builders and researchers.
The book provides current theories and discussion with relevant examples regarding culture, empowerment, and leadership in entrepreneurship to build more entrepreneurial communities anywhere, beginning with any set of local advantages. It clarifies the role of community in building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, and expands the theory on how entrepreneurial communities and ecosystems differ, and how they relate. The book also illuminates the often avoided discussion about power, with special attention to diversity with examples of Black, women, and LGBTQA+ entrepreneurship; provides a deep dive into the range of formal and informal education framed as entreprenology; ties the importance of entrepreneurship and entrepreneuring to resources available at the community, state, and national levels; and introduces a new concept -- omnipreneurship -- which puts the skills of entrepreneurship in the service of global benefit and everyday action.
This research volume will be equally useful as an undergraduate or graduate text on the sociology of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as it is a field guide for ecosystem builders, policy makers, nonprofits, and entrepreneurship and social researchers worldwide.
About the Author: Morgan R. Clevenger, EdD, MBA is Associate Professor of Management at Hiram College, Ohio, USA, as well as Professor of Management and Post-doctoral Fellow in Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Business Ethics with Monarch Business School, Zug, Switzerland.
Michael W-P Fortunato, PhD is an internationally published scholar, researcher, author, entrepreneur, community developer, educator, public speaker, and innovator, and CFO and Founding Partner of Texas-based community consulting group Creative Insight Community Development (CICD).