This book contains the selected extended abstracts presented at the First International Workshop on Environmental Hydraulics IWEH09, Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Solutions, held in Valencia from 29 to 30 October 2009. The aim of the workshop was to encourage scientists, engineers and researchers to present and facilitate communication on modeling environmental problems related to hydrodynamic aspects of fluid modeling, including fluid mechanics analysis, transport of pollutants, mathematical and system modeling, experimental and theoretical validation experiences, measurement techniques focused to environmental problems, etc.
80 papers have been selected for publication in the book, covering the following topics:
- Mathematical and numerical modeling of environmental fluid mechanics problems
- Turbulence modeling
- Dispersion and Transport
- Experimental experiences related to hydraulic models of environmental problems
- Models Validation
- Water and environmental engineering and hydroinformatics
This book provides an up-to-date review of the results of research and practice in present and future environmental hydraulics developments, especially aspects related to modelling.
About the Author:
Petra Amparo López Jiménez (Associate Professor in Hydraulic Engineering at the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain), graduated from Coventry University (UK) in 1992. She received her Industrial Engineer degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1994, and she finally received a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from UPV in 2001. Dr. López has more than a decade of experience in teaching in engineering fields, related to hydraulic and environmental topics. She is author or editor of more than twenty books about hydraulic engineering, water quality and atmospheric pollution. She has been Academic Vice Dean of the School of Industrial Engineering (UPV) from 2006 to 2008. Currently she is the Vice Director of the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering in her University.
Vicente S. Fuertes Miquel is an Industrial Engineer (specialized in Energy) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain (1992). He received a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain (2001).
Pedro L. Iglesias Rey is an Industrial Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain(1990). He received a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain (2001).
Gonzalo López Patiño is an Industrial Engineer from the Politechnical University of Valencia (1994). He is lecturer of Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Hydraulic Engineering at this University.
F. Javier Martinez-Solano is PhD in Engineering by the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 2002. He is also lecturer of Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering of this University since 1994.
Guillermo Palau Salvador is currently Assistant Professor in Hydraulic Engineering at the Department of Rural Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain. He received her Engineer degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2001, and he finally received a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from UPV in 2005.