Introduction: On the discovery of Estrogen Receptor
Sohaib Khan Physiological and Pathological Roles of Estrogen Receptor
Ken Korach
Estrogen Receptor Cofactors
Bert O'Malley
Estrogen Receptor Pioneer Factors and Cistrome
Myles Brown/Jason Carroll
Estrogen Receptor Transcriptome
Benita S Katzenellenbogen Long Range Enhancer Regulation of ER Target Genes
Rosenfeld MG/Glass C
Estrogen Receptor Regulation of microRNAs
Ken Nephew
First Targeted Therapy --- History of Tamoxifen
Craig Jordan
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)
McDonnell DP Anti-estrogen Therapies in Clinical Practices
Carols Arteaga
Structural Insights into ER and Anti-Estrogen Therapies
Geoff Greene
Molecular Mechanisms of Endocrine Resistance
CK Osborne
Estrogen Receptor Mutants in Breast Cancer
Susan Fuqua
Estrogen Receptor Beta and Breast Cancer
Gustafsson JA
Xenoestrogens, Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer
Nira Ben-Jonathan
About the Author: Dr. Xiaoting Zhang received his B.S. in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Zhejiang University and M.S. in Genetics from Institute of Genetics, Fudan University, China. He then moved to the United States and received his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Iowa, followed by a postdoctoral study at the Rockefeller University. Dr. Zhang's laboratory focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of estrogen receptor-mediated gene regulation in breast cancer metastasis and therapeutic resistance, and the development of RNA nanotechnology based therapeutics for their treatment. Dr. Zhang has received many awards and grants from major federal, national and local breast cancer funding agencies including NIH/NCI, DoD, American Cancer Society and Komen for the Cure Foundation. He also serves as a regularly invited grant reviewer for all these organizations, as well as international grant organizations such as Hong Kong Research Grant Council, the Marsden Fund of Royal Society of New Zealand and American Association for Cancer Research. He is a founding council member and chair of the nomination committee of the International Society of RNA Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, and a member of the American Association for Cancer Research, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and The Endocrine Society.