Introduction PART I. EuO - ferromagnetic and semiconductor
Chapter 1. Features of formation of electron band structure and physical properties of ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO
1.1. Band structure and magnetism
1.2. Electrical and photo optical characteristics
1.3. Magnetic characteristics 1.4. Effect of high pressure on the magnetic and electrical parameters
1.5. Magneto-optical and microwave Parameters
1.6. Ferromagnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance
1.7. Critical behavior of magnetic and thermodynamic parameters
1.8. Magnetic polaron and transition metal - insulatorChapter 2. Methods of synthesis of europium monoxide
2.1. Thermal analysis system Eu2O3: C and the thermal reduction method of carbon Eu2O3
2.2. Metallothermic reduction Eu&
2.3. Thermal characteristics of europium monoxide
2.4. Synthesis of single crystals EuO
2.5. Obtaining thin films EuO
2.6. The cationic state films EuO
2.7. The phase diagram of europium - oxygen
2.8. Europium monoxide as a phase of variable composition
2.9. The thermodynamic parameters and specific heat EuO Chapter 3. Raising the Curie temperature of the ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO
3.1. Physical principles of raising the Curie temperature of the magnetic
semiconductor and their implementation
3.2. Magnetic impurity states and magnetic quasi-molecule in the doped magnetic
3.3. Raising the Curie temperature and the properties of non-degenerate solid
solutions Eu1-xSmxO
3.4. Magnetic quasi-molecule in a ferromagnetic semiconductor with the non-
degenerate type of conductivity
3.5. Magnetic-thermodynamic study of solid solutions Eu1-xGdxO with the quasi metallic type of conductivity
3.6. Features of the critical behavior of the specific heat of solid solutions Eu1-xGdxO
3.7. Effect of high pressure on the Curie temperature and magnetization of solid solutions Eu1-xRxO
PART II. EuO as a spintronics
Chapter 4. Theoretical background of the Josephson effect in superconducting tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic barrier
4.1. Magnetic impurities in superconducting electrodes
4.2. Tunnel Hamiltonian method
4.3. Of the Josephson critical current dependence on the concentration
paramagnetic im
purities in superconductors
4.4. Paramagnetic impurities in the dielectric barrier
4.5. The ordered magnetic impurities in the dielectric barrier
4.6. Magnetic impurities in the metallic interlayer C / M / C - transition
4.7. Superconducting transitions with the ferromagnetic layer
4.8. Possible mechanisms of pair tunneling through the F- barrier
and the occurrence of a spin-polarized current transport Chapter 5. Creating and study of the properties of multilayers and superconducting tunnel junctions with EuO
5.1. Create multilayer planar structures with the participation of films EuO
5.2. A study of current-voltage characteristics of the tunnel junction NbN / EuO / Pb
5.3. The structure of NbN / EuO / Pb in the external magnetic field
5.4. The magnetization of multilayers C / EuO
5.5. The magnetization of multilayers HTS / EuO
Chapter 6. Creating, research and application of h
eterostructures metal / ferromagnetic semiconductor (EuO) and ferromagnetic semiconductor (EuO) / semiconductor
6.1. The structure of metal / ferromagnetic semiconductor (EuO) as a solid-state source of spin- polarized electrons
6.2. The structure of metal / ferromagnetic semiconductor (EuO) as magnetically (spin) diode
About the Author: Arnold S. Borukhovich obtained his doctorate in physics and mathematics in 1989. The second doctor degree in physics and mathematics he received in 1989 at the Institute of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences with a work "Thermodynamic peculiarities and phases transitions at the magnetic semiconductors based on 3d and 4f metals". In 1997 he became professor at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg. His research interests concern: physics of variable composition phases, physics of magnets and magnetic phase transitions, physics and chemistry of the magnetic semiconductors, semiconductor spintronics, weak superconductivity and tunnel junctions.