Part A - Early Atmospheres
1. Early atmosphere-biosphere systems
2. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic atmospheres
3. Cenozoic atmospheres and early Hominins
Part B - Mass Extinction of Species
4. Mass Extinction of Species
4.1 Acraman impact and Acritarchs radiation
4.2 Late Ordovician mass extinction
4.3 Late and end-Devonian mass extinctions
4.4 Late Permian and Permian-Triassic mass extinctions
4.5 End-Triassic mass extinction
4.6 Jurassic-Cretaceous extinction
4.7 The K-T mass extinction
Part C - Homo's Fire Blueprint
5. A flammable biosphere
6. Homo Prometheus - a fire species
7. Climate and Holocene civilizations
Part D - The Anthropocene Event Horizon
8. Homo sapiens' war against nature
8.1 Neolithic burning and early global warming
8.2 The Great Carbon Oxidation Event
8.3 The Sixth mass extinction of species
9. An uncharted climate territory
10. Homo Prometheus
Epilogue - The life force
About the Author: Andrew Glikson, an Earth and paleo-climate scientist, studied geology at the University of Jerusalem and graduated at the University of Western Australia in 1968. He conducted geological surveys of the oldest geological formations in Australia, South Africa, India and Canada, studied large asteroid impacts, including effects on the atmosphere and oceans mass extinction of species. Since 2005 he studied the relations between climate and human evolution. He was active in communicating nuclear issues and climate change evidence to the public and parliamentarians through papers, lectures and conferences.