eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction 2016 collects the papers presented at the 11th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling (ECPPM 2016, Cyprus, 7-9 September 2016), The contributions cover complementary thematic areas that hold great promise for the advancement of research and technological development in the modelling of complex engineering systems, encompassing a substantial number of high quality contributions on a large spectrum of topics pertaining to ICT deployment instances in AEC/FM, including:
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Construction Management
- Description Logics and Ontology Application in AEC
- Risk Management
- 5D/nD Modelling, Simulation and Augmented Reality
- Infrastructure Condition Assessment
- Standardization of Data Structures
- Regulatory and Legal Aspects
- Multi-Model and distributed Data Management
- System Identification
- Industrialized Production, Smart Products and Services
- Interoperability
- Smart Cities
- Sustainable Buildings and Urban Environments
- Collaboration and Teamwork
- BIM Implementation and Deployment
- Building Performance Simulation
- Intelligent Catalogues and Services
About the Author: Dr. S.E. Christodoulou, associate professor and vice dean of Engineering at the University of Cyprus, is the author of several scientific publications, the recipient of significant research funding from a variety of national and international funding sources (including a prestigious grant from the United States' National Science Foundation, NSF) and the recipient of two international research awards (London, 1999; Athens, 2015). He is a reviewer for over 25 peer-reviewed scientific journals, and a member of several editorial boards for scientific conferences, and he has also been the national representative on the COST Domain Committee for Transport and Urban Development (COST/TUD). Dr. Christodoulou's research and teaching interests are founded on two pillars: (1) Construction informatics (incl. Building Information Models), and (2) Rehabilitation of Urban Infrastructure and Risk Analysis.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimar J. Scherer is the head of the Institute of Construction Informatics at Technical University Dresden since 1994, has more than 30 years of experience in construction IT, including 7 years as full professor for CAD/CAM at the University of Karlsruhe and several years of practice in the construction industry including ICT consultancy and a one-year stay at a world leading CAD provider. His research activities include the broad spectrum of construction ICT aspects. He has been involved in 20 BIM related EU research projects, out of which he co-ordinated five, and several German ones, the most recent one was the ICT leading project Mefisto. He was member and vice chairperson of the building product model group in ISO 10303 from 1988 to 1999, the forerunner of IFC (ISO 16739). In 1994 he founded the first European BIM conference, the ECPPM. In 1999 he implemented the first BIM Server in Europe, based on the later standardized IFC building core model. He was founder and vice chairperson of the IFC-ST4 structural model group. He developed the simplified MVD/IDM method in 2012 and the multimodel method in 2014. Both were accepted as official documents by BuildingSmart.