Design Thinking, a method widely used in design business and management, has changed the landscape of contemporary design. Whereas in the past non-designers were called upon to serve as external consultants ad-hoc, most design teams now consist of a mix of designers and other professionals in an effort to promote creativity and innovation. The impact of this development on the design landscape in recent years is so far without thorough investigation and analysis of its various influences. This book comprises an edited collection of selected papers from the 13th Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS13) which offers an exploration of Design Thinking from theoretical, practical and pedagogical perspectives as well as critical analysis of the design process.
The book is arranged in five parts as follows:
Part 1: Thinking about design
Part 2: Design thinking in the studio,
Part 3: Design thinking in practice and professional training,
Part 4: Design teams of diverse backgrounds, Interdisciplinary projects and
and Part 5: Design and nature; visual representation
Providing a comprehensive source for new perspectives on design and Design Thinking, Expanding the Frontiers of Design is ideal for designers and design academics of all disciplines wishing to strengthen and innovate their practice, as well as industry leaders who seek to consolidate their business strategies and evolve their work.
About the Author:
Gabi Goldschmidt is a graduate of the Yale School of Architecture. She joined the Technion after years of architectural practice and taught dozens of design studios at the Technion, and as a visitor elsewhere (including University of Montreal, MIT, Delft University of Technology). Her research interests include design cognition, reasoning, representation and education, visual thinking, sketching, visual analogy, and related topics. She consolidated separate conferences on design thinking into the series DTRS - Design Thinking Research Symposia. Gabriela has published extensively, including on design thinking, and is the author of one book (Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process, MIT Press 2014), and co-editor of another (Design Representation, Springer 2004, with William L. Porter).
Ezri Tarazi is an industrial designer who was affiliated with the Bezalel Department of Industrial Design for many years, including as head of the department, until he joined the Technion. Most of his work is in R&D, particularly for life-support systems of various kinds. He was a partner in a few start-ups and was a co-founder of IDEO Israel until its closure. He participated in many exhibitions including at prestigious museums and galleries and has led many Design Thinking workshops. Currently he heads Technion's Design Tech initiative. He has written two books (Hebrew) including one on Design Thinking.