Start a Successful Business NOW!
Are you ready to start your own business but you don't know where the hell to start?
Are you looking for a business blueprint, that speaks directly to you? A business blueprint that gives you business knowledge and tools while teaching you how to dream big, cultivate business success, and grow from employee to successful business owner...
...without the stress of having to go back to school to get another degree to learn about business...
...without having to waste time and energy searching the internet for generic, non-applicable and incomplete business success information...
...without the anxiety, frustration, and procrastination that comes from not knowing what to do to start a company...
Within this educational book Dr. Bee Thomas is your private business instructor and she teaches you her proven methods for business success. These methods will take you from employee to successful businessowner.
In Expect F*cking More, The 5 keys to business success for African American Women you will learn:
The tools necessary for business success, to take you from employee to successful business owner
How to develop your business from right where you are starting with what you have
The kind of support and education African American Women entrepreneurs need to build better companies
How to grow your business and think bigger
Resources to increase your financial literacy, networking, mindset, and so much more!
Expect F*cking More, The 5 keys to business for African American Women is a business success book for African American Women. The book introduces and equips African American Women with Dr. Bee's 5 keys to business success and business knowledge. Applying this knowledge will help the reader to start and grow her business, dream big, and live out her passions!
Read this book and unlock your destiny today, use this book as your business success alarm clock, it's time to wake-up, and expect more!