Experiencing the Body in Yoga Practice inspires more mindful and contemplative qualitative research on body and knowledge transfer in bodily practices in hatha yoga. The book explores the work of the mind, as well as the role of emotions and body sensations in perceiving reality and in reflecting on it.
Procedures and research methods are an extension of our mind, which wants to reach into the social reality to describe it objectively. It usually refuses body and emotions. The techniques of sampling and representativeness are also tools of the mind. Using these tools, our contact with social reality produces emotions and feelings of the body. These phenomena surrounding the mind and body often go unnoticed during research and are only partially reported in the conclusions.
Experiencing the Body in Yoga Practice examines this gap. It presents the application of a contemplative way of thinking and proceeding in qualitative social research and a first-person perspective, focusing on experiencing lived body and knowledge transfer in hatha yoga. It analyzes how the mind focuses and stops working, proceeds in the limited province of the meaning of yoga, how the body produces emotions and deals with them during yoga sessions, and how the knowledge is transferred by using the body in some linguistic and cultural context.
The book will be of interest to sociologists and social scientists who want to concentrate on and analyze the experiences of the body from contemplative and phenomenological perspective. It is also key reading for all practitioners dealing with body and bodywork, such as in sports, recreational activities, physical education, rehabilitation, physical work, educational activities, etc.
About the Author: Krzysztof T. Konecki is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz, Poland. He is the editor-in-chief of Qualitative Sociology Review and is president of the Polish Sociological Association.
Aleksandra Placzek is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Lodz, Poland.
Dagmara Tarasiuk is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Lodz, Poland.