About the Book
EXPERIENCING ISLAM (Becoming Islam Aware) has been banned by librarians and was censored by the CIA The author is a retired American diplomat who worked in national security for over 25-years. He held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances (the reason why the CIA reviewed and censored the book). The book has been banned by many librarians (not all - some librarians are honest about letting people read and learn). The author is recognized as one of the top 100 experts on Islam in America. His knowledge is feared by CAIR, The Moslem Brotherhood, and dozens more, some of whom have threatened him. Colonizing Islamists in America accuse the author of being a hater, a notion he dispels in the forward to this invaluable, informative book. Islamists and Moslems call people who know too much about Islam by names such as Islamophobes which is fake. People such as this author are in fact Islam-Aware, a term that Islamists do hate. Horn provides a disclaimer warning that includes: If you have an inferiority complex, before you read this book, check first with your friends, family, politicians, bureaucrats, priests, rabbis, imams, mullahs, and others such as mystics, psychics, favorite entertainers, psychiatrists, and anyone you feel is wiser, smarter, or better than yourself to get approval to expose yourself to what is written in this book. Horn is a veteran who served in the Navy before joining the Foreign Service (diplomatic corps). He has served our nation abroad for a quarter of a century, mostly in third world nations, ten years in sharia compliant Islamic nations where he has witnessed terribly egregious human rights violations committed by Moslems against women and non-Moslems. Horn's experiences have been "up close and personal" and he has survived an attack intended to kill him. He has received threats because he is an American and served the American people well. He led security teams to North Africa and the Persian Gulf where he made Embassies terrorist proof. Throughout this essay, Horn is honestly critical of Islam which he refers to as a cult, an ideology, not a true religion based on a relationship with God and personal salvation. As a civilian, he received a decoration for VALOR, for actions he took while under fire in the killing fields of Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 1975, just before the country fell to the Khmer Rouge who proceeded to murder 20% of their own people. The book goes into other areas of concern to you, the American people. He offers a chapter on immigration and visas and lays the problems that we have at the footstep of the Congress who actually created the conditions for "illegals" crossing our southern borders. In this section, he offers viable, working solutions that would help solve these issues. Horn discusses reasons why the CIA has failed so miserably and is an international laughing stock among countries with effective intelligence gathering services (not to be confused with clandestine operations). Along with this, he is not kind to the DHS and the FBI who are more a part of the problem than the solution. Horn was (and remains to this day) highly critical of America's "foolish, failing" engagement in Afghanistan, and our failed Iraq adventure. His reasoning and justifications for his comments are in this book and remain unparalleled.
About the Author: James E. Horn is a retired U.S. Diplomat who has a deep understanding of Islam based on a decade of counter intelligence and counter terrorism work in Islamic countries. The author is a retired American diplomat and member of National Security agencies. Horn held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances because he worked in Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and other related areas. Anyone who has done such work must submit manuscripts for review to make sure state secreted are not divulged. The CIA censored the book, but left 99.999% of it untouched. The book is Politically Incorrect (honest) and being PI, it has been banned by many librarians (not all - some librarians are honest about letting people read and learn). Horn provides a somewhat humorous disclaimer warning that includes: If you have an inferiority complex, before you read this book, check first with your friends, family, politicians, bureaucrats, priests, rabbis, imams, mullahs, and others such as mystics, psychics, favorite entertainers, psychiatrists, and anyone you feel is wiser, smarter, or better than yourself to get approval to expose yourself to what is written in this book. Horn is a veteran who served one enlistment in the Navy before joining the Foreign Service (diplomatic corps). He has served our nation abroad for a quarter of a century, mostly in third world nations, including ten years in Islamic nations. Horn has experienced Islam "up close and personal" and has survived one attack intended to kill him, and has received numerous threats because he is an American and served the American people well. He is patriotic to a fault. He led security teams to North Africa and the Persian Gulf where he made security changes and improvements to Embassies and Consulates that made them terrorist proof. Throughout this essay, Horn is honestly highly critical of Islam which he refers to as a cult, an ideology, not a true religion of salvation. As a civilian, he received a decoration for VALOR, for actions he took while under fire in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 1975, just before the country fell to the Khmer Rouge who proceeded to murder 20% of their own people.