We all have defining moments from our past that are still affecting us years later. The Lord wants to Expose Destroy Heal and Replace what those moments have stolen from us!
Have you ever felt Lost
Have you ever felt that who you are and what your life has become is at odds with how you had anticipated it?
Have you ever felt that no matter what you do, how you plan, and who you try to emulate, or strive to become, nothing seems to go the way that you had hoped?
Have you ever wondered why am I this way? Has God made a mistake? Maybe, He is too busy to notice the circle of insanity that you are living in. That He has more important things to take care of, more important people to look after?
Have you become so beaten down, so broken down, so oppressed, so depressed, that there is nothing left to do but throw your hands up and cry out?
There is HOPE!!!
You now have the ACCESS to be able to...
Recognize the defining moments, the trauma, the fears, the shame, the lies, the hurts, distractions, and deceptions, that have affected you your whole life.
Recognize the things that have kept you from and hide who you truly are!
Recognize the things that have defined and hidden you from your purpose and mission here on this earth.
Recognize the masks, camouflage, and coverings that you have created to hide who you have become, to cover your shame, guilt, and feelings of unworthiness.
Recognize all of the self-centered agendas that skew your focus, beliefs, and perspectives where you can never see your true self, see your higher calling, or why you are here .Because this book will show you how you can. Restore your understanding of who God is. To know Him, to have a relationship with Him, that He is your Father, that He loves you beyond all understanding! To restore who you are. Your original created identity. In His image, to re-present Him, as His child and heir to the King, and no longer a prisoner to sin and the world. To restore your mission, purpose, and destiny. He desires to walk with you in the cool of the garden, side-by-side, to be in each other's presence, to rule and reign in His Kingdom together. To restore you to right standing with Him in His sight. No longer do you have to hide from Him, to be ashamed, to be separate from Him. To restore you into alignment with Him. So that you can hear from Him so that you can know His purpose, so that we can be filled with His love, anointing, knowledge, revelation, and power so that your cup is overflowing, and you are no longer a needy, pitiful, and hurting victim.