Would you like to learn the truth about Earth, about its shape, nature, meaning, and characteristics? Then get ready to embark in the study of one of the most restricted and controversial topics, the Flat Earth Theory. Yes, the Flat Earth is back, and it has always been around, since it has always been accepted among the upper social classes. It transpires today in the Media, Politics, Entertainment, and even in Science, it becomes more and more visible, and consequently, millions of people already research the Flat Earth Theory today. Yet this time is the other way around, with authorities ignoring the Flat Earth Theory, while enforcing only the Spherical Model of Earth, along with the Big Bang Theory, the Theory of Evolution, the Theory of Relativity, and so on.
Is the Earth flat or spherical? You cannot know with certainty, just because concepts as 'theory' and 'model' signify probable truth only until proven false, and therefore it is not accurate. While Science is full of theories, models, interpretations, and speculations, but not of facts. Because as long as you have access only to debatable information, records, and theories about space beyond the lower orbit of Earth, then both the Spherical and Flat models of Earth remain simple theories too, not facts. Yet this book goes beyond researching the true shape and nature of Earth, since it manages to reveal the social actors behind the main theories defining Earth Science and Space Science today, including the strategies and intentions that these social actors have from you and from the entire world. What chance can the Flat Earth Theory have against the current official model? It depends who is behind Science and how they want the Earth to be, but most importantly, it depends on which side of the line you stand this time, because this time it is all different, since this time you seem to have a choice in these.
This book creates a comprehensive model of Earth and of the entire world, studying its shape, boundaries, characteristics, and social circumstances, using reasoning and accurate facts. This research of the true shape and nature of Earth is done from all perspectives: scientific, empiric, social, cognitive, existential, and spiritual. If you want to learn the truth about Earth, this book is for you.