A set of stand-alone Glossaries accompany all Supported Reading titles within the Flitlit Reading Scheme.
The Flitlit Reading Scheme provides tiered instruction by means of supported and confident reading titles with the benefit of page by page, matching illustrations.
Parents and students learning English as a second︱additional language find the titles considerably beneficial, especially with school and online support.
The supported reading titles add further value to schools and homeschooling through the provision of the comprehensive, stand alone GLOSSARIES, set out page by page for the series. This provision was highlighted as satisfying a need during extensive pilot work at schools in the UK and beyond.
Additionally, the glossaries provide a valuable contribution to blended learning, through offering face-to-face and online activities, allowing a seamless and complementary flow of learning.
The glossaries support the Flitlit 'Meet The Characters' Introductory Books and the Flitlit 'Adventure Books'.
The 'Contents' pages within the Glossaries denote the Story Books in sequence.
Each Story Book page features text, image and page number as highlighted below.
THE FLITLITS, Glossary 1, To Accompany Meet the Characters, Books 1-7, Serves Supported Reading Book Categories, U.K. English Version
THE FLITLITS, Glossary 2, To Accompany Meet the Characters, Books 8-13, Serves Supported Reading Book Categories, U.K. English Version
THE FLITLITS, Glossary 3, To Accompany Adventure Books 1-3, Serves Supported Reading Book Categories, U.K. English Version