Are you tired of not getting what you deserve out of your company sponsored 401k, HSA, or
IRA plan? Are you exhausted of the anxiety around losing a lifetime of your retirement
investments in an economic recession? Or the anxiety of watching your life savings feel like a
roller coaster ride?
It's time for a new plan. Hinging your whole retirement savings on a volatile stock market is
simply too scary. Maybe you just want to diversify and have a little more control. After a lifetime
of work, many older baby boomers lost their retirement savings in 2008 and had to work another
decade to make up their losses so that they could retire. Companies come and go. We must
invest in something that is time tested and will not disappear if we ever want to have control
over our financial future.
If you are a busy professional looking for an easy passive method to grow your retirement
investment and your income in a tax efficient manner, then look no further. This is the secret
sauce. This is what billionaires know and what most Americans don't. It's out of reach for most
Americans! But it won't be for you. This is how banks create pension funds and insurance
companies create annuity funds. It's also how the real estate stock companies get rich off your
investments. Only now, you'll beat the system and have the guideline to passive institutional
Forget the middle-class stock market, rigged against hard working professionals. Welcome to
the big leagues. Let's invest like the wealthy, the banks and pension funds. Let's invest in
apartment buildings together!
This book will show you how to passively own an apartment building for only $50,000 and lead you step by step to your first investment.