Figure List
Table List
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Literature Survey
2-1. Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics
2-1-1. KN-based Thin Films
2-1-1-1. Necessity of KN-based Thin Films
2-1-1-2. Technological Requirement for KN-based Thin Films
2-1-2. Electrical properties of KN thin film
2-1-2-1. Capacitance Density
2-1-2-2. Dielectric Loss
2-1-2-3. Leakage Current Density
2-1-2-4. Leakage Current Mechanism
2-1-2-5. Piezoelectric Coefficient d33
2-2. Memristor-based Neuromorphic System
2-2-1. Limits of Conventional Digital Computation
2-2-2. Neuromorphic Computing
2-2-2-1. Artificial Neural Networks
2-2-2-2. Basic Principle
2-2-2-3. Neuromorphic computation using VLSI (very-large-scale integration)
2-2-3. Human Brain
2-2-3-1. Neurons
2-2-3-2. Synapses
2-2-3-3. Synaptic Plasticity
2-2-3-4. Synaptic Metaplasticity
2-3. Memristor as Artificial Synapses
2-3-1. Memristor
2-3-1-1. Definition
2-3-1-2. Memristor types
2-3-1-3. ReRAM-based Memristor
2-3-2. Memristr Based Neural Networks
2-4. Piezoelectric Nanogenerators
2-4-1. Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
2-4-2. Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Chapter 3. Experimental Procedure
3-1. Preparation of KN Sputtering Target
3-1-1. Synthesis of KN Compound
3-1-2. Sintering of KN Ceramic Target
3-2. Experiments of KN Thin Films
3-2-1. Growth of KN Films
3-2-2. Analysis of structural and Electrical Properties of KN Thin Films
3-2-2-1. Crystal and Microstructure and Surface Morphology
3-2-2-2. Dielectric Properties
3-2-2-3. I-V Characteristics
3-2-2-4. P-E Hysteresis Curve and Piezoelectric Constant d33
3-3. KNbO3 ReRAM Devices
3-3-1. Fabrication Pt/KN/TiN/SiO2/Si Devices
3-3-2. Device measurements
3-3-2-1. Structural Characteristics
3-3-2-2. Electrical Characteristics
3-3-2-2-1. Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Characteristics (STDP)
3-4. KNbO3 Piezoelectric Nanogenerators
3-4-1. Fabrication of KN Piezoelectric Nanogenerators
3-4-2. Device measurements
3-5. Biocompatibility Assessment of KN film
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion
4-1. Growth Behavior of KN Thin Films
4-1-1. X-ray Diffraction Patterns
4-1-2. SEM/EDX analysis and Auger depth profile
4-1-3. Electrical Properties of KN Thin Films
4-1-3-1. Dielectric Properties and I-V Characteristic of KN Thin Films
4-1-3-2. Polarization Characteristic and d33 Values of KN Thin Films
4-2. KNbO3-Based ReRAM Devices
4-2-1. KNbO3/TiN/SiO2/Si ReRAM Devices
4-2-1-1. Structural Properties of KN films
4-2-1-2. Structural and chemical analysis on the surface of the KN films
4-2-1-3. Nanocrystal of KN films
4-2-1-4. Resistive Switching and Reliability Characteristics of KN Films
4-2-1-5. Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties
4-2-2. Current Conduction Mechanisms
4-2-2-1. Variations of the RHRS and RLRS with the Size of the ReRAM Device
4-2-2-2. Leakage current mechanism of the KN film in HRS grown at 350oC
4-2-2-3. Conductive AFM (CAFM) analysis
4-2-2-4. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis
4-2-2-5. TEM analysis
4-3. KNbO3-Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators
4-3-1. Structural of KN/TiN/PI/PET PNG
4-3-2. KN Thin film PNGs
4-3-2-1. Piezoelectric Potential Developed in the KN
About the Author:
Dr. Tae-Ho Lee received his Ph.D (2017) from department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University and is currently working in Korea Electronics Technology Institute.