Shiba and Walden have significantly revised their classic, A New American TQM. With new methodologies and case studies, this work is one of the most comprehensive studies of management theory and business success. The authors identify a comprehensive approach to management that goes beyond operations improvement to help executives and managers create unique organizational capabilities. They contend that organizations must develop skills in four major areas: customer focus, continuous improvement, total participation, and societal networking.
They present proven methods that enable dynamic implementation strategies, facilitate ongoing learning, and encourage continuous diffusion of evolving information and quality practices throughout an organization's entire network.
Techniques described have been instituted at Analog Devices, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, Teradyne and many other companies. Numerous in-depth case studies from these and other companies illustrate actual implementations.
Shoji Shiba, formerly of MIT is one of the most respected business consultants in the world. Among his many accolades, he received the 2002 Deming Prize, one of the highest awards in management bestowed in Japan.
"Professor Shiba has been a source of inspiration, experience and knowledge to countless numbers of CQM members, MIT faculty and students and other organizations and companies around the world....The success of his publications, teaching and consulting proves that the principles of TQM are universal, applicable across all cultures and languages. Shiba is a truly great teacher, researcher and innovator ... ."
--Ray Stata, founder and chairman of both Analog Devices and CQM.
David Walden, is the retired senior vice president of Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., and former Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Business.
Both Shiba and Walden are well known for their contributions to the Center for Quality Management.