FOUR TRUTHS are four one act plays by Trevor B Maynard. "Say not, 'I have found the truth, ' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'" Kahlil Gibran A truth about war From Pillow to Post
Through the eyes and ears and feelings of Sarah, our everywoman, From Pillow to Post dramatizes not only the First Gulf War, but experiences of War World Two, the Falklands, the Palestinian Intifada, as well as the pervading nuclear threat.
A truth about peace Graye
"The Law is the Word and the Word is Necessity". This is the credo that Matthew Graye once lived by; it was the doctrine of his employers; it credo of the State, is it is the truth. But now that time is over, the Cold Peace follows the Cold War, and the need for a man like Graye passed.
A truth about death Taciturn
Josie Slade is in a coma. Yet she is the only one who speaks. Others move around her, unhearing. She tells of her life to the only people that are listening, us, the audience.
A truth about love She
Phil Garnham loves his wife. Well, he thinks he loves her. He does love her, doesn't he? It's just sometimes, he doesn't understand her, but the truth is... he doesn't know the truth. Still, there's a whole lot of ironing to do, maybe he should get on with that.
About the Author: Trevor Maynard (1963-) was born in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England. He read Theatre Studies and Dramatic Art at Royal Holloway College and has worked for ten years in the theatre, writing, directing and producing. He is married to Jo, and has three grandchildren and three cats. Trevor's poem "DYSLEXIA" was a finalist in Aesthetica Creative Works Annual and he is currently editing THE POETIC BOND, an anthology of poetry complied through new media and social networking which is due for publication in 2012.