This second volume in the series 'Fundamentals in Organic Geochemistry' focusses on molecular chemical aspects introducing the structural diversity of natural products, their fate in the sedimentary systems and the consequences of the corresponding alterations for geoscientific questions. Organic Geochemistry is a modern scientific subject characterized by a high transdisciplinarity and located at the edge of chemistry, environmental sciences, geology and biology. Therefore, there is a need for a flexible offer of appropriate academic teaching material on an undergraduated level addressed to the variety of students coming originally from different study disciplines.For such a flexible usage this textbook series consists of different volumes with clear defined aspects and with manageable length."
About the Author:
Prof. Dr. Jan Schwarzbauer
Current research topics
Sources, transport and fate of organic contaminants in water and sediments of surface water systems Impact of anthropogenic xenibiotics on riverine systems
Structure elucidation of still unknown organic contaminants
Analytical investigations on pollution sources of surface and ground water (industrial emissions, municipal effluents, waste deposit seepage water, mining effluents etc.) Organic-geochemical characterization of bound residues in riverine particulate matter
Komponentenspezifische Isotopenanalysen von organischen Schadstoffen
Geochronology of organic contamination in riverine sediment archives and generation of correlated pollution histories Detetcion and quantification of synthetic polymers in river water, municipal effluents, sewage slugde and soil
1993: Degree in Chemistry (diploma) University of Hamburg 1997: Dr. rer-nat. degree, University of Hamburg 2004: Habilitation, RWTH Aachen University - 2004 2009: Assoc. Prof. (Privatdozent), RWTH Aachen - since 2009: Professor
Prof.Branimir Jovan i evi
Education and qualifications
1985: Bachelor of science studies - Chemistry / Prirodno-matemati ki fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
1988: Master of science studies - Chemistry / Prirodno-matemati ki fakultet (Belgrade, Serbia)
1994: Doctoral academic (PhD) studies - Chemistry / University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry (Belgrade, Serbia)
Scientific interest
Organic geochemistry, environmental chemistry."