Chapter 1: Fundamental concepts on liquid-propellant rocket
1. The generation of thrust
2. The gas flow through the combustion chamber and the nozzle
3. Performance indicators
4. Liquid propellants for high-thrust rocket engines
5. Combustion of propellants in steady state
6. Combustion of propellants in unsteady state
7. The principal components of a liquid-propellant rocket engine
Chapter 2: The thrust chamber assembly
1. The principal components of a thrust chamber
2. The design of a thrust chamber for thrust vector control
3. Performance of a thrust chamber
4. Configuration and design of a thrust chamber
5. Cooling of a thrust chamber
6. Injectors
7. Gas-generator and other engine cycles
8. Igniters
9. Combustion instability
Chapter 3: Feed systems using gases under pressure
1. Fundamental concepts
2. Requirements for gases stored under pressure
3. Feed systems using gases stored for bi-propellants
4. Feed systems using evaporation of two propellants
5. Feed systems using gases stored for mono-propellants
6. Feed systems using combustion products
7. Control systems for liquid-propellant gas generators
8. Feed systems using direct injection into the main propellant tanks
9. Choice of a feed system using gases under pressure Chapter 4: Feed systems using turbo-pumps
1. Fundamental concepts
2. Pumps for propellants
3. Turbines driving the pumps
4. Sources of energy for turbines
5. Description of a typical turbo-pump
6. Turbo-pump performance
7. Turbo-pump design parameters
8. Heads and mass flow rates of pumps
9. Design of centrifugal-flow pumps
10. Design of axial-flow pumps
11. Design of turbines
12. Bearings for turbo-pumps
13. Seals for turbo-pumps
14. Gears for turbo-pumps
Chapter 5: Control systems and valves
1. Fundamental concepts on control systems
2. Control systems for rocket engines
3. Control of thrust magnitude
4. Control of propellant mixture ratio
5. Control of propellant consumption
6. Control of thrust direction
7. Principal components of flow control systems 8. Static and dynamic seals for leakage control in valves
9. Design of propellant valves
10. Design of pilot valves
11. Design of flow regulating devices of the fixed-area type
12. Design of servo-valves
13. Design of pressure-reducing regulators
14. Design of differential pressure regulators 15. Design of relief valves
16. Design of check valves
17. Design of burst discs
18. Design of explosive valves
Chapter 6: Tanks for propellants
1. Fundamental concepts
2. Tanks subject only to membrane stresses
3. Tanks subject to membrane and bending stresses
4. Multi-element tanks
5. Tanks subject to loads due to propellant sloshing
6. Slosh-suppression devices for tanks
7. Materials, processes, and environmental conditions of tanks
8. Fracture control of metals used for tanks
9. Structural elements of tanks
Chapter 7: Interconnecting components and structures 1. Fundamental concepts
2. Interconnecting ducts and structures in a rocket engine
3. Materials used for tubing in rocket engines
4. Coupling components for tubing
5. Control of pressure loss in tubing
6. Control of vibrations at the inlet of pumps
7. Bellows joints 8. Flexible hoses
9. Filters
10. Design of a flange joint
11. Gaskets and other seals for flange joints
12. Design of a bellows joint for a flexible