New and Improved SI Edition--Uses SI Units Exclusively in the Text
Adapting to the changing nature of the engineering profession, this third edition of Fundamentals of Machine Elements aggressively delves into the fundamentals and design of machine elements with an SI version. This latest edition includes a plethora of pedagogy, providing a greater understanding of theory and design.
Significantly Enhanced and Fully Illustrated
The material has been organized to aid students of all levels in design synthesis and analysis approaches, to provide guidance through design procedures for synthesis issues, and to expose readers to a wide variety of machine elements. Each chapter contains a quote and photograph related to the chapter as well as case studies, examples, design procedures, an abstract, list of symbols and subscripts, recommended readings, a summary of equations, and end-of-chapter problems.
What's New in the Third Edition:
- Covers life cycle engineering
- Provides a description of the hardness and common hardness tests
- Offers an inclusion of flat groove stress concentration factors
- Adds the staircase method for determining endurance limits and includes Haigh diagrams to show the effects of mean stress
- Discusses typical surface finishes in machine elements and manufacturing processes used to produce them
- Presents a new treatment of spline, pin, and retaining ring design, and a new section on the design of shaft couplings
- Reflects the latest International Standards Organization standards
- Simplifies the geometry factors for bevel gears
- Includes a design synthesis approach for worm gears
- Expands the discussion of fasteners and welds
- Discusses the importance of the heat affected zone for weld quality
- Describes the classes of welds and their analysis methods
- Considers gas springs and wave springs
- Contains the latest standards and manufacturer's recommendations on belt design, chains, and wire ropes
The text also expands the appendices to include a wide variety of material properties, geometry factors for fracture analysis, and new summaries of beam deflection.
About the Author: Steven R. Schmid received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1986. He earned his master's degree from Northwestern University in 1989 and his Ph.D. in 1993, both in mechanical engineering. In 1993 he joined the faculty at the University of Notre Dame, where he is a professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering, teaching and conducting research in design and manufacturing. Dr. Schmid holds professional engineering (P.E.) and certified manufacturing engineer (C.Mfg.E.) licenses. He was awarded the ASME Foundation Swanson Fellowship in 2012, and is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Bernard J. Hamrock
joined the staff of Ohio State University as a professor of mechanical engineering in 1985 and is now professor emeritus. Before joining Ohio State University he spent 18 years as a research consultant in the Tribology Branch of the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his Ph.D. and doctor of engineering degrees from the University of Leeds, England. His research has resulted in a book, three separate chapters for handbooks, and over 150 archival publications. He has received several awards including the 2000 Mayo D. Hersey Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Bo O. Jacobson
received his Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from Lund University in Sweden. From 1973 until 1987 he was professor of machine elements at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. In 1987 he joined SKF Engineering & Research Centre in the Netherlands, while retaining a professorship at Chalmers University from 1987 to 1991 and at Luleå University of Technology from 1992 to 1997. In 1997 he was appointed professor of machine elements at Lund University, Sweden. He has published four compendia used at Swedish universities, and has contributed more than 100 archival publications. His awards include the Tribology Gold Medal received in 1997.