Fundamentals of Web Development, 3rd Edition guides you through the creation of enterprise-quality websites using current development frameworks. Written by leading teachers in the field and designed for serious programmers, this book is as valuable as a dev bootcamp. Its practical approach and comprehensive insight into the practice of web development covers HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, two server-side stacks (PHP and MySQL, as well as Node and MongoDB), CSS preprocessors, CSS design principles, ES6+ language additions, web and browser APIs, React, TypeScript, SQLite and NoSQL databases, GraphQL, serverless computing, caching, new security vulnerabilities, JWT authentication, DevOps, continuous integration/deployment, and microservice architectures. Coverage also includes the required ACM web development topics, aligned with real-world web development best practices.
The 3rd Edition covers the most vital trends and innovations in the field since 2016, including significantly increased coverage of JavaScript, while continuing to provide a thorough and comprehensive overview of both the theory and practice of web development.
About the Author: About our authors Randy Connolly is a Professor of Mathematics & Computing at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. His teaching specialties are web development and technology and society studies. His research has oscillated between his 2 backgrounds of computer science and political science and includes the teaching of web development, the general pedagogy of computing education and the social effects of computing, especially that of ICT on citizenship orientations. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which is Fundamentals of Web Development, 3rd Edition, used by thousands of students annually at over 100 universities worldwide and Computing Careers & Disciplines: A Quick Guide for Prospective Students and Career Advisors. He is on the editorial boards for ACM Transactions of Computing and ACM Inroads. He has authored 39 peer-reviewed papers and given over 20 international research presentations.
Ricardo Hoar is a former professor of computer science at Mount Royal University (MRU), where he authored several highly cited papers on transportation systems and the pedagogy of teaching computer science. As Chair of the Mathematics and Computing department at MRU, and then Associate Dean of the School of Applied Computing at Sheridan College in Ontario, Ricardo oversaw department mergers, degree development, famous classroom guests and coordinating hundreds of teaching faculty, full and part-time. Ricardo nowadays focuses on training corporate clients through his company, Silicon Hanna Inc, where he also develops video games with his wife. Some of their more popular games for IOS and Android include Cryptoquip and Ragin' Bull.