Take a good look at your sales career. Are you successful? At the top of your game? Are you the $1,000,000 a year rep or the $30,000 a year rep? For sales professionals and sales leaders it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay ahead of the pack. Aggressive competitors, savvy buyers, and corporate bureaucracy all conspire to hold even the best of the best back.
In Funnels & Forecasts well known sales expert Bill Sayers helps you break through the barriers and achieve the sales success you deserve. His practical advice, tips and exercises wrapped into an easy to read book, that doubles as a handy reference guide, will give you the winning edge in the great game of sales.
Make this book required reading - once a year, every year! - Clayton Shold, President of Salesopedia.com
I don't care if you've been selling for thirty years, or whether this is your first day--there's something in this book for you. "The Technology Trap" all by itself is worth the price of admission. Get this book and devour it at once. You'll be glad you did. - Hank Trisler, Author of No Bull Selling
Are you in the top 20% of your sales team, company or industry? Funnels & Forecasts is a practical, no-nonsense guide that will get you there. - Mike Brooks - Mr. Inside Sales, award winning author of The Real Secrets of the Top 20%
Funnels & Forecasts is an absolute must have for your sales library. In this book Bill Sayers gives you all the ammunition you need to blow away your competitors. - Jeb Blount, CEO of SalesGravy.com, Author of Power Principles and Sales Guy's 7 Rules for Outselling the Recession
Author Bio: One of the world's foremost experts in sales and sales leadership, Bill Sayers has more than 25 years of experience in sales and sales leadership. He started his career as an inside sales rep and worked his way up the corporate ladder to the level of VP of Sales at an IBM company. During that time he worked for Revelstoke Lumber, King Products, Linotype, Ryder Transportation, GE Capital IT Solutions and IBM. He has been a professor at George Brown College teaching Personal Selling Skills to the Sports and Event Marketing Graduate Program. He is also on the faculty of Canadian Professional Sales Association and Canadian Management Centre. Bill is an Associate Member of TEC (The Executive Committee).