1. The Relevance of Engaging the Future in Planning Practices
2. Chicago Metropolis Plans 2020
3. Communities at the Crossroads: Using MetroQuest to Help Communities Create Consensus around a Vision of the Future
4. Stockholm 2030
5. GranTorino. Active and Dialogue Making of the Metropolitan City
6. luci2, Scenarios, and the Hendricks County, Indiana, USA, Comprehensive Plan
7. Application of Albatross for Scenario Development: Future Travel Behavior in an Ageing Population
8. The Preparation of the Kona Region Community Development Plan: A Case Study in Visioning and Visualization
9. Oil Vulnerability Scenarios and Regional Visioning in Australia: the South East Queensland Regional Plan
10. The Bipolar Metropolitan Region Vienna, Bratislava
11. Chula Vista Research Project: Integrating Energy Analysis and Planning at the Neighborhood Scale
12. Spatial Elaboration of Long Term Economic and Demographic Trends: Future Land Use and Transport in the Netherlands
13. Porta Nuova Station, Turin
14. Central Station Stockholm
15. The Case Yerseke, using Simlandscape in an Area Development Approach
16. Lessons Learnt