The cloud, edge, and 5G are the most popular deployment environments and technologies for realizing novel Internet and smart applications to address a wide range of real-world problems including environment, health, wealth and industries. To enjoy the key benefits of these technologies such as flexibility, scalability, and reliability, operators must deploy cloud and networking environments at reduced capital and operational expenses. Hence, operators are extensively adopting virtualization technologies for flexibly sharing underlying infrastructure. In this book, to explore and learn the virtualized networking environments, we discuss the Cloud, Edge, and 5G core networks and their applications. This book covers the primary approaches related to setting up and experimenting related cloud and networking environments using virtual networks, and virtual network functions. Finally, it discusses how to secure and evaluate cloud applications and network security.
To start with learning and experimenting with future networking environments, the first three chapters cover essential Docker basics and networking skills. Specifically, we discuss docker key features such as containers, networking, volumes, iptables (for Docker environment security) and default orchestration features to easily set up custom cloud, edge, and 5G core networking environments. You will do hands-on activities related to using Docker networking and services features for publishing, scaling, and monitoring of services. At the end of the first part of the book, you will learn and be able to set up a variety of custom networking environments easily using Docker compose features and secure the set-up using iptables.
In the second part of the book (chapter-4 to 6), we introduce the necessary basic concepts about Network Function Virtualization (NFV) architecture, and its roles in Cloud and 5G core networks. At the end of Chapter 4, you will be able to deploy an open-source 5G core platform from OpenAirInterface (OAI) using Docker. Then, you will go into the details of learning how to set up and evaluate important Virtual Network Functions (VNF) over suitable virtual networks. As part of the experimentation, you will be doing interesting hands-on activities related to setting up and deploying VNFs such as DHCP, DNS, and proxy servers. Later, we discuss the key virtual networks such as IP VLANs, MAC VLANs, and overlay networks using Docker cluster setups. You will be doing interesting hands-on activities to easily experiment and learn cloud and 5G core network set-up related virtual networks, overlay networks, and network slicing. At the end of the second part of the book, you will learn and be able to set up a variety of VNFs, carefully deploying VNFs, and conducting slicing activities over Docker cluster setups.
You Will:
- Explore Cloud, Edge, and 5G core networking using Docker networking features.
- Learn how to set up and evaluate a variety of virtual networks and deploy Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and Network Slices using Docker swarm setups.
- Learn how to set up and deploy an open source 5G core network using Docker for experimenting.
- Learn how to enhance cloud environment and applications security using linux security features such as Capabilities, Seccomp, and AppArmors.
- Learn to systematically set up and evaluate network security experiments using Scapy and Docker networks.
This book is for:
Network Engineers, Cloud Engineers, Students, Faculty, and Cloud & Networking researchers.