The old adage, 'It's not what's on the table, it's who's at the table, ' means more to home cooks as the stuffy, fussy, pretentious dinner party of the past disappears, making way for a new entertaining ideal. People naturally gather together over food; it's a huge part of any celebration, and a means of coming together for more casual daily social interactions. Dinner parties are making a comeback - with more focus on gathering over easy, casual food, there's less pressure for fancy recipes, immaculate table settings and perfect presentation. Home cooks crave comfortable ways to socialize with friends and family, whether it be a special occasion or a means of reconnecting on a regular weeknight.
Gatherings puts the focus on real situations that bring people together, whether the occasion is a birthday or holiday, or just an excuse to reconnect and strengthen relationships. The book will be broken down into casual scenarios, with recipes, drinks or cocktails, and easy serving, decor and presentation suggestions for each. It will appeal to those less inclined to spend money eating out, who are still interested in socializing or hosting more casual home parties. It will benefit those who can't cook, have a small space, don't know how to mix drinks or easily decorate, or are intimidated by all that organizing a party entails, from estimating quantities to storing and serving. Gatherings makes social occasions easy and approachable, and strengthens relationships while building confidence in the kitchen.
Taste Canada - The Food Writing Awards finalist, 2015, General Cookbooks category
About the Author: Jan Scott is a well-known Canadian food writer and the creator of Family Bites, a blog devoted to tasty family-focused recipes and easy-to-execute entertaining and party ideas. She's the food editor for The Savvy Mom Group, and has had essays and articles published in a variety of print and online publications. Prior to making the transition to food writing, she was an event planner for a private catering company. She lives in Toronto, ON, Canada with her husband, Rob, and their two sons.
Julie Van Rosendaal is in high demand by food followers for her knowledge and love of good food. She is the food correspondent for the Calgary Eyeopener on CBC Radio One, co-host of Viva TV's It's Just Food, the food editor of Parents Canada magazine, a regular contributor to newspapers and magazines and an award-winning food blogger ( She is the author or co-author of several bestselling Whitecap titles, including Spilling the Beans, Starting Out, Grazing and One Smart Cookie. She lives in Calgary, Alberta.