1. Gene Regulation
Minou Bina
2. Isolation of Nuclei for use in Genome-wide DNase Hypersensitivity Assays to Probe Chromatin Structure
Guoyu Ling and David J. Waxman
3. DNase I Digestion of Isolated Nulcei for Genome-Wide Mapping of DNase Hypersensitivity Sites in Chromatin
Guoyu Ling and David J. Waxman
4. Isolation and Analysis of DNA Derived from Nucleosome-Free Regions
Matthew Murtha, Yatong Wang, Claudio Basilico, and Lisa Dailey
5. Acquisition of High Quality DNA for Massive Parallel Sequencing by in vivo Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
M. van den Boogaard, L.Y.E. Wong, V.M. Christoffels and P. Barnett
6. Luciferase Assay to Study the Activity of a Cloned Promoter DNA Fragment
Nina Solberg and Stefan Krauss
7. Promoter Deletion Analysis using a Dual-luciferase Reporter System
Yong Zhong Xu, Cynthia Kanagaratham, Sylwia Jancik and Danuta Radzioch
8. Application of mRNA Display for in vitro Selection of DNA-binding Transcription Factor Complexes
Seiji Tateyama and Hiroshi Yanagawa
9. Isolation of Intracellular Protein: DNA Complexes using HaloCHIP; An Antibody Free Alternative to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation
Danette L. Daniels and Marjeta Urh
10. A Modified Yeast One-Hybrid System for Genome Wide Identification of Transcription Factor Binding Sites
Kazuyuki Yanai
11. Identifying Specific Protein--DNA Interactions using SILAC--based Quantitative Proteomics
Cornelia G. Spruijt, H. Irem Baymaz and Michiel Vermeulen
12. Electrophoretic Mobility-Shift and Super-Shift Assays for Studies and Characterization of Protein-DNA Complexes
Elsie I. Parés-Matos
13. Combination of Native and Denaturing PAGE for the Detection of Protein Binding Regions in Long Fragments of Genomic DNAKristel Kaer and Mart Speek
14. Quantitative NanoProteomics Approach for Protein Complex (QNanoPX) using Gold Nanoparticle-based DNA Probe
Shu-Hui Chen and Mei-Yin Lin
15. Chromatin Assembly and In Vitro Transcription Analyses for Evaluation of Individual Protein Activities in Multicomponent Transcriptional Complexes
Takayuki Furumatsu and Hiroshi Asahara
16. Using FRET to Monitor Protein-induced DNA Bending: The TBP-TATA Complex as a Model System
Rebecca H. Blair, James A. Goodrich, and Jennifer F. Kugel
17. Promoter Independent Abortive Transcription Assays Unravel Functional Interactions Between TFIIB and RNA Polymerase
Simone C. Wiesler, Finn Werner and Robert O. J. Weinzierl
18. Fluorescence Cross-correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS) to Observe Dimerization of Transcription Factors in Living Cells
Hisayo Sadamoto and Hideki Muto
19. Nuclear Recruitment Assay as a Tool to validate Transcription Factor Interactions in Mammalian Cells
C.J.J. Boogerd, V.M. Christoffels and P. Barnett
20. Preparation of Cell Lines for Single-Cell Analysis of Transcriptional Activation Dynamics
Ilona U. Rafalska-Metcalf and Susan M. Janicki
21. Peptide Microarrays for Profiling of Serine/threonine Kinase Activity of Recombinant Kinases and Lysates of Cells and Tissue Samples
Riet Hilhorst, Liesbeth Houkes, Monique Mommersteeg, Joyce Musch, Adriënne van den Berg and Rob Ruijtenbeek
22. Immunoaffinity Purification of Protein Complexes from Mammalian Cells
Chieri Tomomori-Sato, Shigeo Sato, Ronald C. Conaway,
and Joan W. Conaway
23. Simple and Efficient Identification of Chromatin Modifying Complexes and Characterization of Complex Composition
Jeong-Heon Lee and David Skalnik
24. Heavy Methyl-SILAC Labeling Coupled with Liquid Chromatography and High-resolution Mass Spectrometry to Study the Dynamics of Site-specific