Regardless of the enterprise you want to run, it's your choice to step up, set goals and manage your career. But a simple desire to lead a team isn't enough. Future CEOs need to learn true and sustainable principles of what it means to do the work of leading.
John Hilbrich, a nearly 30-year CEO, entrepreneur, investor, and leadership coach, provides a transparent and actionable guide toward getting to CEO. Combining his decades of experience and mentorship of leaders, Hilbrich gives the straight answers to tough questions.
Up-and-coming CEOs will learn:
- How and why to say yes to difficult challenges that get you noticed.
- Dealing with toxic bosses and difficult employees.
- Running to and putting out fires in the workplace that others run away from.
- Defining, tracking, and reaching success while navigating political landmines.
- Making the difficult decisions to balance care for your family with the excruciating demands of the business.
Get to CEO is a guide for ambitious entrepreneurs and aspiring CEOs looking for a clear path to get to the top, while avoiding the pitfalls along the way. Fans of Good to Great, Leaders Eat Last, The 7 Principles of Highly Effective People and Extreme Ownership: How U. S. Navy SEALS Lead and Win will find additional guidance through John Hilbrich's insight and experiences.