In a small, wealthy private college, the high-stakes world of development pushes fundraisers into risky territory, forcing communications professionals to walk the same questionable lines. When the Advancement team lands two transformational gifts, family members charge school leadership with elder abuse.
Watch the insulated, austere campus community mishandle a crisis and unravel. Self-absorbed egos, power-hungry administrators, and cliqued-up staff members collide with rumors, accusations, and arrests, turning the situation into an unsolvable public relations disaster.
Susan moved cautiously at first when she began to pursue the major gift. Gradually she increased her efforts. Why not, it was a legitimate pursuit. Lydia understood that Susan wanted a gift from her. No secrets between them on this. No con games. Everything transparent. The more Susan learned about Lydia's life, the closer Susan felt toward her, the more Susan genuinely wanted her husband's legacy to live on, to keep the family name alive. This was a special woman, who shared a special life with a successful alum. She believed a gift to the school could help their shining spirit endure. The integrity of the school would be well-served by the respect and dignity of Lydia Starks. Susan felt like she knew Lydia's husband, and she knew he'd want to give such a gift to the school.
There were times, as the game grew more intense, that Susan wasn't sure who was playing who in the pursuit of this cat-mouse gift. She knew one thing: Lydia was as sharp and savvy as anyone she had tried to sell in her professional past, from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.
Rita was adamant, Susan recalled. "You worked hard for this, you earned her money. If this was a car, or a house, you were selling, you wouldn't hesitate to push her into signing, you wouldn't think she's not getting a good value, you wouldn't worry about the other real estate agents getting their fair share. This is something she wants to do for her husband, this is something that she can be proud of. She is getting good value for her money--a legacy."
"There's no warranty, or guarantee, or return policy, cause you don't buy anything. You are throwing your money at us and we don't even have to be accountable. You see what I'm saying? I was trying to make a sale. I thought this is what you do, and Rita never stopped me. She egged me on."