Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual ascension as you read "Gliding You Home." In this captivating guide, Daniela Bumann, an entrepreneur, international teacher, speaker and coach, shares her profound experience as she connected to the highly intelligent and intuitive dolphin consciousness, which she discovered during a time of debilitating symptoms having reached her physical limit. Still connected to the joyful dolphin consciousness that had picked her up and glided her to the other side, she agreed to help them share their wisdom and secret knowledge with you, too.
Through this book, you will discover:
- a visionary perspective on personal growth, next-level mindset, higher evolution, and spiritual ascension for you and all of humanity
- transformational steps to let go of old paradigms, embrace new consciousness, relinquish outdated programming, and help your body keep up with the process
- pivotal inspiration to create a new world of unity, belonging, and vibrant living
- sacred dolphin wisdom instrumental for collaboration and living life from a "flow" state
Dive deep and allow "Gliding You Home" to be your guide on the path to spiritual ascension, supported by the Power of Love. Open your heart, let your soul soar, and embrace extraordinary possibilities as you journey towards unity, self-mastery, and belonging, revealed through this blueprint and a profound connection with the wisdom and intuitive consciousness of dolphins.
Praise for Daniela Bumann's Work:
"This book, oh my goodness, from the very first words, I was hooked! I couldn't put it down. This book is transformational and life changing..."
Darlene Merkler, Education/Outreach Coordinator
"From the very beginning, Bumann's poetic expression captures the essence of the dolphins. A poignant and soul-stirring journey and an exceptional addition to the collective works on dolphin and cetacean consciousness. Masterfully written, it invites healing and access to profound higher states of consciousness and harmony, facilitating a flow state and re-connection with cetacean consciousness... instilling hope for humanity's future. Highly recommended."
Peter Sterling,16Award Winning Premier Harpist and Composer
"Gliding You Home," is a deep dive with the dolphins, a transformative journey of profound self-discovery, offering you an enlightened experience that surpasses the boundaries of a mere "personal growth book...."
Lori Raupe, Three-time #1 International Best-Selling Author, John Maxwell Team Trainer, Motivational Speaker