CHAPTER 1 - Exploring Outsourcing, Governance and Discourse
Global outsourcing
Case studies and the developing discourse
Conditioning the discourse: client learning and evolution
The centrality of governance
Introducing discourse
Study rationale and structure
The chapters of the book
CHAPTER 2 - The Study of Information Technology Outsourcing
ITO: Research developments
Governance of the relationship
Relational aspects of governance Further developments and critique
Theory and IT outsourcing: transaction cost economics
The Foucauldian concept of governmentality Foucault and power relations
CHAPTER 3 - Inside Global Offshore Outsourcing In Insurance
Outsourcing decisions
Client and supplier capabilities
Contract (master services agreement and project descriptions)
Relationship between LION and FDL
FDL Performance
CHAPTER 4 - Inside Global Outsourcing in Banking and Finance
Outsourcing decisions
Client and supplier capabilities
Formal governance
Relationship between GIB and PV
PV performance
CHAPTER 5 - Inside Domestic Outsourcing with Multiple Suppliers
Outsourcing decisions
Client and supplier capabilities
DUTCH'S outsourcing relationships
Supplier performance
CHAPTER 6 -The Transaction Costs Economics Discourse
The LION outsourcing contract from a TCE perspective
Critique of TCE in the LION case
The GIB outsourcing contract from a TCE perspective Critique of TCE in the GB case
DUTCH's three outsourcing contracts from a TCE perspective
Critique of TCE in the suppler A case Critique of TCE in the suppler B case
Critique of TCE in the supplier C case
Summary: Applying a TCE perspective
CHAPTER 7 - A Foucauldian Discourse Perspective
Analysis from a Foucauldian perspective
A Foucauldian perspective on the LION case  
About the Author: Eleni Lioliou is a Lecturer in International Business and Strategy at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and she is a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Her research has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of World Business, Journal of Information Technology, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Systems and International Business Review. Her research interests revolve around IT outsourcing and offshoring, open innovation, governance and control as well as the Foucauldian approach to the study of management and ICTs.
Leslie P. Willcocks is Professor of Technology Work and Globalization at the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. His doctorate is from Cambridge University, and he is Associate Fellow at Green Templeton College, Oxford University, where he taught for nine years. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology and is internationally recognised for his work on global sourcing, digital business, service automation, IT and organizational change, and global business management. He has co-authored 55 books and over 230 refereed papers and regularly presents and advises on these areas globally.