In today's modern world, we're all spoiled with instant gratification. The Internet, cell phones, Wi‐Fi, email and video chats provide us with many avenues to get what we need and get it fast. Those cravings for mom's apple pie or Grandma's famous chocolate ice cream topping can be gotten in a mere phone call or email. If we see something on television, in a magazine or in a picture, we can hop on the Internet and get any one of a hundred recipes for it. If we don't feel like cooking, we can run to our favorite restaurant or order take-out. We're definitely blessed with a much easier life than that of the previous generations.
Back in Grandma Dorothy's day, life was much more limited and required people to be creative. The lack of money, the Great Depression and WWII all had impacts on daily life. Many meals revolved around the backyard garden or what limited items could be gotten at the small markets down the street.
The literal term of "borrowing a cup of sugar" was actually common, and something that connected neighbors. Meals were home cooked and were eaten together at the family's table ‐ a wholesome life in more ways than one.
Grandma Dorothy and most of the Anderson girls were children of the Great Depression. From Great‐Grandma Selma and Great‐Grandpa John, they learned to live within their means. Basic skills such as cooking, sewing, and gardening were taught early, and all had a part in daily life. For many of us, myself included, if we were asked to bake a homemade loaf of bread, we'd give you a blank, panicked look. For Great‐Grandma Selma, she could whip up the best bread in no time flat. I have fond memories of going with Grandma Dorothy to her house and enjoying a piece of her famous freshly baked bread and butter. I've tried to reproduce her recipe and failed miserably every time. She just had that special touch.
And this is in essence Sarah's story, told in food and recipes, with joy and with love. This is a cookbook that is more than a cookbook! And this is a cookbook you will most certainly use and enjoy!