About the Book
1. Sugar Transport/Signalling in Grapevine, S. Delrot, H. Geros; 2. Hormonal Control of Grape Berry Ripening, C. Davies; 3. Molecular Biology of Sugar and Anthocyanin Accumulation in Grape Berries, P.K. Boss, C. Davies; 4. Grape Berry Acidity, C. Romieu; 5. Grape Berry Composition in Relation to Vine Water Status, E. Flor, H. Ojeda and A. Deloire; 6. Grapevine and sulfur: old partners, new facts, S. Amâncio, S. Tavares, J. Carlos Fernandes; 7. Grape Bud Dormancy Release: a Molecular Perspective., E. Or, X. Pang, T. Halaly; 8. Molecular, Structural and Functional Characterization of Grapevine Glutamate Dehydrogenase; D.S. Skopelitis, N.V. Paranychianakis, H.D Pliakonis, K.A. Loulakakis, K.A. Roubelakis-Angelakis; 9. Alcohol dehydrogenase in grapevine, C. Tesniere, P. Abbal; 10. Nitrogen metabolism in grapevine, B. Hirel, K.A. Roubelakis-Angelakis; 11. Polyamines Participate in Growth and Development of the Grapevine, K.G. Paschalidis, P. Moschou, I. Toumi, K.A. Roubelakis-Angelakis; 12. Modulation of polyamine metabolism by ABA in grapevine, A.Aziz; 13. Senondary Metabolism in Grape Berries, P. Boss; 14. Phenolic compounds of the grapevine and their biological activity, R. Amarowicz, S. Weidner; 15. Physiological Role and Molecular Aspects of Grapevine Stibenic Compounds, L. Bavaresco; 16. Molecular basis of aroma determination in grapevine, S.Grando, S. Delrot, A. Doligez; 17. Molecular Aspects of Grapevine-Fungus Interactions, E. Gomes, P. Coutos-Thevenot et al; 18. Protoplast Technology in Grapevine, A.Papadakis, K.A Roubelakis-Angelakis; 19. Somatic embryogenesis in grapevine, L. Martinelli, I. Gribaudo; 20. Aquaporins in Grapevine, M. Shelden, R. Vandeleur, S. Tyerman; 21. In Vitro Culture and Propagation of Grapevine, L. Torregrosa, A. Bouquet, P.G. Goussard;22. Genetic Transformation of Grapevine, B.I.Reisch, M.R. Thomas, G. M. Reustle, G. Buchholz, P. Cobanov, A. Ben Amar; 23. Genetically Engineered Grape for Tolerance and Improved Quality, V. Tsolova-Colova, A. Perl, S. Krastanova, I. Tsvetcov, A. Atanassov; 24. Molecular Maps, QTL Mapping and Association Mapping in Grapevine, S. Grando, J.M.M. Zapater, and E Zyprian; 25. Microsattelites markers for grapevine: A state-of the-art, K.M. Sefc, F. Lefort, S. Grando, K.D. Scott, H. Steinkellner; 26. Grapevine Breeding, R. Topfer, R. Eibach; Index