Winning Entrants: We gave 16 Platinum, 110 Gold, and 532 Silver awards, along with 587 Honorable Mentions, to students who, with help from their professors, produced polished, highly professional works. Platinum-winning instructors include Advertising: Mark Allen. Design: Elaine Alderette, Brad Bartlett, Brian Boyd, Gayle Donahue, Mads Greve, Seung-Min Han, Réka Holló-Szabó, Miguel Lee, Douglas May, Miles Mazzie, Dong-Joo Park, Søren Patger, Brian Rea, Paul Rogers, Carlos Roncajolo, Simon Sticker, Carter Tindall, Judit Tóth, and Cardon Webb. Photography: Manolo Garcia.
Judges: Entries were judged by professionals in advertising, design, and photography, such as
Lu Chen (Xiaomi), Silver Cuellar III (Tombras), Felix Holzer (Felix Holzer Photography), Sharon McLaughlin (Mermaid Inc.), Alireza Nosrati (Alireza Nosrati Design), Dan O'Donnell (Partners + Napier), Lucy Schoenfeld (Lucy Schoenfeld Photography), Robert Talarczyk (Darkhorse Design) and others listed in the book.
Contents: This book contains award-winning entries in Advertising, Design, Photography, and Film/Video. We also present A Decade of New Talent, featuring Platinum-winning works from 2013. All entries are organized by discipline like our professional annuals.
Credits & Commentary: Platinum-winning students discuss their assignment and explain the approach they took that resulted in their winning work.
Selling Points: This hardcover book displays full-page images of Platinum-winning work from talented teachers and students. Gold and Silver-winning work is also presented, and Honorable Mentions are listed in the physical copy. All work is presented equally on our website.
Audience: This annual is an important resource for educators to shape their students' skills and see where they stand against other schools. Reading this book is an excellent way to challenge students to create inspiring work and jumpstart careers in their chosen professions. We encourage submissions from new talent worldwide.