Due to growing global environmental concern, there is a necessity for companies to
implement formal green initiatives . Traditionally, most of companies across the world were not concerned about the environment, they followed the green management initiatives driven by laws and regulations. But from the last previous year's companies
around the world focusing on various green initiatives and their impact on the environment. They change their strategies from control to
By taking the base of green concept various literatures on green marketing, green accounting (Bebbington, 2001), green retailing (Kee-hung, and green management in general have fertilize the
area of management. There is need of integration between environmental management and
human resource management (HRM) called green human resource.
It is therefore strategically important for businesses to know whether green HRM may
lead to high-level organizational outcomes, such as, satisfaction, environmental
awareness, organizational commitment, etcetera. If so, then what are the linkages. The
present study questions, if green HRM practices are implemented in the organization and followed
by the employees in their work-life, will this contribute in employee job
satisfaction and organization commitment.
Green HRM refers to the use and implementation of product, process and systems that maintain
the environment, For example, such processes might engross emergent of new power resources to
fulfill the need of society, developing new innovative ideas and strategies that will help
in reducing the cause of environmental degradation. Green initiatives stated "as the workout whereby a company develops an environmental activity to manage the environment". So there is a necessity of proactive green practices . The proactive green practices are positively related with operational efficiency and financial results . Adoption of green practices in companies can result better performance, improvement in organization culture, reduction of cost, effective utilization and improve company goodwill.