This book provides the connection between the growing body of literature on sustainability and the topics of energy and ICT. It aims to show how stakeholders active in this area need to play their part ensuring that the ICT-sector evolves towards a sector that can lead through "greening by IT" and also shows that it can "green its own IT" as well. This is the first book that integrates two seemingly incompatible approaches to sustainability: efficiency and effectiveness. The book builds on the efficiency initiatives already taken by industry, but it is not a "how-to-do-it manual". It offers insight in state of the art approaches to green IT and greening by IT. Attention to important stakeholders outside the sector, e.g. policy makers and the field of education, makes this book comprehensive. A more encompassing view on ICT and sustainability is offered to the reader and, as such, managers in higher education, educators, CIO's, policymakers and regulators are inspired to integrate their efforts and to contribute to a transition of one of the most important and prominent sectors in our global economy.
About the Author: The Editors
Jaco Appelman graduated in the Social Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen and did his PhD in Management Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He works at the faculty of Technology, Policy & Management at the Technological University Delft. He conducts research in the areas of Implementation of IT in complex networks and on Sustainability approaches and tooling for socio-technical Innovations.
Martijn Warnier received his PhD in Computer Science at the Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. After four years as a Postdoctoral Researcher in computer systems group at the VU University Amsterdam, he moved to Delft University of Technology where he currently holds the position of Assistant Professor. His research focuses on management of large scale, distributed systems.
Anwar Osseyran is a CEO with many years of multidisciplinary management experience in various IT-related areas. His tenure at SARA BV and its spin-off Vancis BV is marked by a focus on the benefits that research and business communities can obtain from ICT. Next to his current position as the MD of the national supercomputing center SURFsara BV, he is since 2008 the chair of the Green IT consortium Amsterdam with focus on Greening IT, Greening by IT and the stimulation of the Green economy.
The Contributing Authors
Henk Plessius graduated at the University of Twente and has worked in ICT-education ever since. His experience ranges from lecturer and curriculum developer to consultant and manager. Apart from Green IT, he is interested in problems regarding the interface between organization and information, as well as in modelling and architecture.
Johanne Punte Kalsheim is a graduate student from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and employed by Ernst & Young in Norway.
Erik Beulen holds the Global Sourcing chair at Tilburg University, the Nethe